OMFG i am getting seriously *beep* anoyed by stupid tv people why the hell do they keep on cancelling all of my favourite shows everytime i find a show i like they cancel it within a month i mean seriously it soooo anoyin. but i knew at the start of reaper i wasnt gonna last to long becuz how much can you do with it but i was thinking 5 seasons not frigin 2 season. and if they just carry it on with a cartoon series it will have lost everything it has cuz basically the entire 2nd season was based on romance who wants to sit there watching cartoons kising not that interesting. but ive got a good feeling that it will be brought back within a year or year and a half
It is more annoying when you find cast members rallying fans to go sign petitions to get a second season made. The show gets renewed, but when it comes to fighting for a 3rd season - which the fans want, you find the main cast members reporting they wouldn't be available for a 3rd season of it was syndicated.
Where is their back up for the fans, when the fans did their bit and bakced up the show when they wanted it? Frustrated and it is putting me off watching the second season now as I was waiting on the DVD's (I'm based in the U.K) but don't want to watch a series I know is going to end maybe on a cliff hanger?
And like, I don't mean in the sense of like it's bad or something, but- well lemme rephrase that- the cliffhanger-iest cliffhanger EVER!
Really really sucks. And yeah, I know what you all mean about them canceling favorite shows... I hate TV. Or rather, I hate everyone who watched American Idol over Reaper. I mean come on, really?!
Anyway yeah, if I hadn't become fixated on the show from the beginning and had I known it'd be canceled without giving us any peace of mind, I would have never started watching it, mostly because it is sooooo disappointing to follow a series with a great plot/casting/acting/effects/humor etc and have it near something resembling resolution and being like... "Naaaaah"
At least there MIGHT be a decent ending...
["There’s an internet rumor that Reaper will continue as a comic book. Any truth to it?
“You’re not wrong,” Tyler confirmed. “The comic book is happening. People have been hinting that we should be able to get a two hour movie finale. You can never guess what’s going to happen there.”
Im pretty pissed that the show was cancelled. Why couldnt the CW realize that things like this would potentially hurt them? I mean, in all probably wont, but that doesnt excuse the fact that alot of people liked the show. And the ENDING????? OMFG!!!! Worst thing to ever happen. The show wasnt the greatest but it has been the only show in quite some time that made me laugh out loud pretty hard and have to rewind a couple times cuz I kept laughing. If they make this into a will flop again for sure ensuring that it will never see light again. On a lighter note....if they do make a 2 hour movie would actually like that. But a comic book? Its not gonna be the same. Very disappointing.
Just found this totally sucks or something Reaper was one of the best shows on TV I never missed and could not wait till the next one aired. What a crying shame I don't think the CW has a clue!
SO MANY EXPLETIVES RIGHT NOW@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was one of my absolute FAVORITE TV SHOWS!!!!
Why the cancellation?! As said above, why must they keep the terrible shows, and all that reality crap, when shows like Reaper, that are brilliant and I never missed an episode, be cancelled and tossed away like it wasn't worth their time?!
So, CW, you have Supernatural left. Don't screw that up too, or I'm coming down there.
well, I can't say I was surprised the show was canceled. mainly because I loved it. and that's what happens when I love a show. maybe I should start watching those stupid reality shows, maybe that'll help get them off the air since me watching tv seems to be the key.
anyway, I think maybe since Dead Like Me got a movie, it shouldn't be that hard to get Reaper one. well, here's hopin'. and sorry to all you fans out there. I'll try to stop watching those good shows.
I finished Season 2 tonight and now I'm sooooo p*ssed it isn't returning. This season got excellent and they couldn't even write a satisfying conclusion because they didn't know ahead of time that there wasn't going to be a Season 3. I wish they would at least do a movie to wrap things up.
So many great shows are getting canceled and then we have the new shows that either suck or the old sucky shows that just won't go off the air. Totally messed up!
I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out
Well that's very somber. Such a huge shame because Sam is a cool down to earth guy that kept managing to outdo the heinous Prince of Darkness. Add in it was so fun to see what next problematic things would come up, and they would have to deal with, along with what deplorable things the Devil would do next, and keep saying cool witting one liners. One of the best actors without a doubt to play the Lord of all Malignant Villains the Devil. His style was excellent. I was hoping to finally see Sam outdo the most abject serpent of all in a contest, and see what happens after that.
So many unresolved loose ends. I'm hoping there is a 2 hour finale movie because it would be excellent to see the passionate actors who enjoyed the shows as much as the fans get to reprise their roles, and give us a delightful finish.
I'm watching season 2 over here in the uk. We still have a few more eps to go before the finale. I'm beyond pissed they have cancelled the show. What twats
Yeah the canceling of this show was utter B.S. It had some funny people in it and had a had a lot of places they could have taken it. Instead now they will have some new reality show or something about models. It friggin sucks.