There really should be a Reaper movie
Anyone who watched the CW series Reaper will know that it was cancelled far too soon. It would be a shame to let down all the fans of that show who loved every episode for its quirky humour and fun plots.
A TV show with a good plot, good writing and interesting, geniunely likeable characters (even including the Devil) shouldn't be binned when so many less worthy shows are still on the air.
A movie would be able to tie up the loose ends, give the fans what they want, and make whoever produces it a lot of money (as thats most likely to get their attention).
It would be a real shame for a TV show like this, of excellent quality to be forgotten so easily, as the fanbase hasn't been left with a whole lot to talk about (apart from the horrible cliffhanger ending). Give the show a proper farewell and tell us the rest of the story!
If you agree, please join this facebook group