MovieChat Forums > Reaper (2007) Discussion > How can Steve be in heaven if he's gay

How can Steve be in heaven if he's gay

Not a christian or catholic by any means, but i thought religion looked down upon gay people. =\

reply the general message here seems to be that if the number of good things that one does in one's life outnumber the "bad" things (have to admit i don't fully agree with the original posters consideration that being gay is bad, but that's besides the point) then God can be pretty forgiving...




Hardly trolling when it's been established that almost everything on this show is a sin. A guy was condemned to hell for fantasizing about a married woman so why wouldn't someone be sent to hell for something equally as pointless as who they like to doink?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


The Bible says that the way to get into heaven is to believe in God and Jesus - which Steve, as a demon, obviously did, since he probably knew both those dudes. Since nobody is perfect (especially on this show), the belief clearly trumps the actions - so you can get into heaven even if you are a sinner. Steve just needed the works because he was a demon and therefore had to go the extra mile to prove he had truly changed. When Steve died, God looked at him, decided he had truly done his best to repent on Earth, and let him back in regardless of the gay thing.

And regardless of the show, the Bible and most christian thought (despite what the vatican would have you think) suggests that all sin is equal, so being gay wouldn't keep you out of heaven any more than telling a simple lie.


Or maybe God isn't as big a douche as he's being shown as and may not regard being gay as a sin. It could be that the people sent to hell for seemingly trivial things were up to a lot more than we've been told.

Otherwise Bobby was condemned to an eternity of suffering for only thinking about sleeping with a married woman.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


Speaking as a Christian with a pretty good knowledge of the Bible (Though I'd imagine the show's creators don't follow Christian theology too closely in writing the scripts), I think that simply being gay or bisexual (As in, just having the feelings of attraction towards people of the same gender) isn't necessarily a sin, but homosexual practice (As in, actually having sex with someone of the same gender) is. To the best of my knowledge, we never actually saw Steve & Tony making out or anything on the show, so that wouldn't count as a sin.



I figured Steve being a demon would be the deal breaker, regardless of sexual orientation.

Brains for dinner
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Brains for breakfast
Brains for brunch


I had assumed that Bobby was sent to hell because he committed one of the cardinal sins at the exact same time as his death. This in some way overruled everything else.


The Devil has managed to get people at some of their worst moments with no chances for forgiveness which made them out to seem like they were atrocious rotten people. For Bobby that was thinking about going after a married woman, the boxer it was he threw a fight, and for the guy recently it was that one guy that would was planning on repenting I think like 60 or more years down the line.
As for Steve being in Heaven it doesn't matter that he's gay as long as he believed in Jesus, God, did admirable generous good things, pented, and recognized the large error of his former wicked ways.


Well aren't Angels supposed to be hermaphrodites, so this would make them neither gay nor straight.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


Well, religion say being gay is a sin, but I think Stevie was "murdered" so sort of gets an instant pass into heaven, and I think, even if in the show, being gay is a really bad thing, he was working to overthrow the devil, which I think makes up for most things that could be considered bad.


Actually, I think in this show:

1) The Christian God, but also Buddha has been mentioned, or at least I thought Ray Wise talked about other religions.

2) Not all religions are against being gay. Christianity isn't the only religion out there.

3) The Bible was written down by man and subject to man's imperfections, so I would assume man would add to the book he own opinion. Maybe someone along the line didn't like gay people, so ta-duh, it's now a sin.

4) The Bible mentions sodomy, but sodomy can mean so many things, translations of the Bible can mean different things depending on who defines it.

5) Didn't they mention something about repenting sins on the show? So even if the show defined gayness as sinful, which I believe it doesn't say either way, the person could repent.

6) I don't know, Jesus hung out with 12 dudes...really, that isn't even a little bit gay?

7) A lot of the "rules" of Christianity were made hundreds of years after Jesus died, so really, you can't say the Bible is what Jesus taught because it was a long time before anyone wrote it down. Jesus was into forgiveness and acceptance.

By the way, I am not Christian, I just went to Catholic school for eight years.


lol @ nr 6 xD



"homosexuality wasnt around until sfter the bible was written, it was probably the mention of it in the bible that gave people the choice to be either."

Seriously, do you know nothing of the Greeks? I'm pretty sure they were way before The Bible and there was a lot of homosexual nature going on in that culture.


Religion looks down on a LOT of things - especially things/people that are different or disagree with religion.


because he is not a person he is a demon different rules for mortals



Because it's a TV show, not real life!


Bohoki, are you trying to say Demons aren't people? I thought a 'person' was any creature that possessed a distinct 'personality', hence the name.

You'll have to excuse me, I'm not from this planet.


LOL @ this whole thread

Cool Ice cold

Barrack Obama Ftw!!!, (tm)




christian or catholic

I'm pretty sure the show is based upon the protestant church protestant



You do realize that God is talking specifically to Jews, don't you?

Throughout Leviticus he says, "Any Isreaealiste or any alien living among them..."

But in Levitiuc 18:22, he doesn't it's pretty clear he's talking about Jews (for whom the Old Testament was written by and for, anyway) and not the "aliens," i.e. Non-Jews.

Irrefutable evidence. It's only a sin to be gay if you're Jewish.

The Thunder Child ezine


Actually it doesn't matter what evil you've done in your life. If you accept Jesus into your heart you're going to heaven.....according to Christian belief that is. So even Hitler or a person like Dexter Morgan could go to heaven if he believed.


I like how u've put hitler, one of the most evil men in history together with the fictional Dexter Morgan who never kills anyone who is innocent.

We all saw what you were discussing on this board the other day and we all thought you were a Dick


God isn't religion and God din't write the Bible. People did...

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"


I just watched season 1 on DVD and finished it in 2 days. It's a great series, I wonder why it's on the CW.

In my opinion, the reason of why Steve can be in heaven is because he betrays Lucifer or because he is capable of truly loving someone (Tony) and redeeming himself by doing good deeds whenever he could.
