MovieChat Forums > Robin Hood (2010) Discussion > Why are there so many troll reviews for ...

Why are there so many troll reviews for this movie?

Is it because Russell Crowe is lead actor?


I don't think there are any 'troll reviews'; certainly not many. Sure, there are a lot of reviews by people who don't like it, but that's not the same thing.

And no, it really isn't about Russell Crowe. If you filter the reviews by 'hated it', the first 9 or so reviews you see all give perfectly cogent reasons for saying the film was cr*p, and what they all in various proportions amount to is that the story is absurd, unhistorical, portentous and - worst of all - dull. Crowe barely get a mention, apart from passing references to his six-regional-accents-in-as-many-sentences.
