MovieChat Forums > Robin Hood (2010) Discussion > Robin Hood directors cut - superb on blu...

Robin Hood directors cut - superb on bluray

Like a lot of Sir Ridleys epics there's a directors cut and that's the one I watched. Straight from the off the stunning video and audio was apparent, like Kingdom of Heaven and Gladiator before it, it's pure demo material. The exceptionally immersive DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track ensured that waves lashed at you from all sides, and arrows whistled there way across the living room. Muscular LFE abounds with this movie. A very original prequel of sorts to the Robin Hood legend, I think it's a beautiful looking and sounding medieval world, and would love to see a sequel. 8/10


I had the director's cut on BR, but ended up watching my digital copy on iPad. The digital copy was the theatrical release version. I had mixed feeling about it. I decided to watch the DC version this weekend and it was awesome! I also recommend watching this after Kingdom of Heaven. It's like Scott's version of history.


Yes, it is, but the problem with Ridley Scott's version of medieval history is that it's deeply tendentious cr*p. it would be fine if he set these films in a outright fantasy universe; but he didn't, and for deliberate historical disinformation they're right up there with Braveheart.


It's like Scott's version of history.
Which is on a par with Walter Scott's and bears no resemblance to reality other than some character-names.

A kiss on the hand may be quite continental,
But Arkenstones are a girl's best friend…
