What a joke ...

Mega-miscasting, historical errors on a gigantic scale, stupid mishmash of accents ... Oh dear.


All of which might not have mattered if it was dramatically coherent and emotionally gripping, or even just funny. After all, none of the successful film versions of the story are exactly historically accurate (because the legend isn't), and many of them include ludicrous accents and some fairly odd casting. But they work as movies, which this doesn't.


Saw about 3 minutes this morning, I agree, a huge joke. Kate Blachettes character carrying on about the lack of corn in the fields, in 13th century England!


And why would a lack of corn in the fields not be a big worry to the lady of the manor in 13th century England?


Corn is not 'maize' ('American corn'), but also wheat.

"Active but Odd"


- and barley, and oats, and buckwheat, and in fact cereal crops and grains generically.


Not to mention that the French had WWII-style landing craft.
