I've been saying the same thing about Call of Duty 4. Here's why its my favorite game ever, not just favorite shooter.
-Storyline - Very good, chances are you didn't understand the whole thing (you being most of you here).
-Graphics - Something that doesn't matter as much, so long as its just good. But CryTek went many steps forward and implemented many things that other game companies never thought of. It looks damn near photo realistic, given 16XQ AA, very high settings, and a high resolution.
-Sound - Most realistic sound effects in a shooter, which is a fact. Voice work is very good overall, minus the Rosenthal's. Sound track is by far my favorite.
-Realism - There are aliens and a majority of fake weapons in this game, but the actual combat is extremely realistic due to sounds, visuals, AI, etc.
-AI - Very realistic, best in a shooter, which is a fact. Unlike other shooters they actually miss. Also, they are smart, give their own commands and speak their own language, given delta mode.
-Customization - Most customizable game. You can make many mods dealing with near anything. This also goes for the category below.
-Sandbox 2 Level Editor - The most advanced level editor, which is a fact. Crysis is made from this, you can make other games out of this. You can make island levels, indoor levels, urban levels, work with AI, etc.
That's why I consider Crysis as the best game ever. It is the only true next gen game, and it actually brought new things in a shooter.
Care to explain why you hate it? You never said why on the Crysis forum here at all.
I can't comment on CoD4, another BF2142 never really interested me.
The story is appauling, there's nothing to understand. It's your standard "X Faction" is up to no good, captures scientists/researchers/diplomats/replace with any kind of V.I.P. You go in to recover them find out there's more going on blah blah doesnt flex my brain at all.
Trying to find anything more than that is just desperation.
Graphics are ALL this game has going for it. And are the main reason from reading various posts across the internet, that the game's as popular as it is.
I won't deny, they are impressive. But they're soon wiped out of my mind by the lack of anything else to the same quality.
The game is NOT realistic. Or maybe i'm just too used to playing human opponents in multiplayer. At no point was the game challenging. The combat is realistic due to the sound and graphics? Please. I actually spammed about 10/15 guys to death as they all came strolling through the same door. Completely oblivious to what was taking place. And i'm pretty sure the AI in other shooters miss on occasion.
Nobody cares that the sound effects are the best SUPPOSEDLY, i found nothing striking about them, nor did i find the basic, dull voice acting to be anything other than mediocre. It's not like there was any real plot to "act" on anyway.
Games have been modifiable since gaming began. Hell, even in Dark Forces 2 you could create a map that was an "island" and script events. Besides, people don't buy FPS' solely for the purpose of modding them.
Now to unload.
The suits functions are pathetic, the only worth while one being maximum shield, they might as well have just given you the extra armour to begin with. Maximum strength is only good for getting over designated obstacles, like ledges. The stealth is only good if you plan to go a really short distance, really slowly, or if you stand completely still, which kind of rules out infiltration. I can only think of one situation where i absolutely had to use the speed option, and that was level design.
And there's nothing innovative about these features, ever heard of Deus Ex?
Aside from the bouts if scripted shinyness thrown in my face every time it was important for plot development. I'm sorry, i just cant say that in association with Crysis and not laugh. Like i didnt know from the start EXACTLY what was going to happen. Anyway, back to where i was, ironically, the scripted plot tools were the only interesting aspect of the game.
It's a shame that with all this free roaming, that how the "story" plays out cant be changed by these actions, or your character developed in accordance.
There are 101 other FPS' out there which all do the things that Crysis does only much, much better.
The fact that it has a following of mindless drones drawn only by the glossy overcoat, and undeserved praise is what irritates me most of all, that and the £45 it cost me that could have been better spent in my bank awaiting a decent game.
That last line saved you. The suit functions are innovative, I have yet to see them in a shooter. Maximum armor is helpful, but speed lets you get away from enemies, strength is good for stealth kills and platforming.
The story is more than what you stated. What is with the similarities between your nanosuit and the enemies? They seem to have similar abilities, such as strength jumping and more armor. Also, they explode when killed, the nanosuit can vaporize also. Both of which are done to conceal the technology.
How did Prophet get the MOAC to work on the field? He obviously has prior knowledge about the aliens, neither do most other characters.
What's with these McTiller Martins Group weapons? The GK8 Gauss Rifle, Gauss Tank, TAC Launcher, and TAC Tank seem to be to good to be true.
It's all related to alien energy. More will expand in the sequels.
If you play any other FPS you will see Crysis has more realistic combat.
A plot isn't necessary for good voice acting.
All other shooters have dumbed down compressed *beep* sound effects, unlike Crysis.
But it is your opinion. I'm glad you don't argue like a moron and just say "crysis is teh suxorz!"
I dont see the suit functions as innovative. In Deus Ex, and System Shock you could select from a wide range of abilities to enhance a certain aspect of your character. In BF2142 you could select a cloaking device to make you invisible. It essentially the same thing as choosing when to use items that grant you abilities, except it uses Battlefields radial menu. In fact, can't you do pretty much the same thing in BioShock?
I never needed to use the speed besides the point i mentioned before, i never had to flee from the simpleton soldiers either.
There may be some more to the story than i stated, but that was the gist of it. These unanswered questions you've brought up are as complex as a single cell organism.
I do play a lot of FPS, and while i would say it was more realistic than Doom, it's no more realistic than a game like Half Life in that enemies react and "adapt" to you. In fact, i think i had more of a challenge from the AI in Half Life, and when was that, 1999? Talk about ahead of its time.
I never said the plot was necessary for good voice acting, i was making a point that the story was lackluster.
The reason they're compressed is so that they take up less space, and memory. In my opinion a clang is a clang, and a boom is a boom. I dont play a game just to hear what the assault rifle sounds like when i fire it, as long as it makes generally the right sound. And i would rather pay £10 less as per usual for a game with compressed sounds and lesser graphics, but with greater gameplay and a better story than Crysis.
Something i neglected to mention before was the level design. The level design in Crysis is incredibly poor. It's like the devs couldnt be arsed and just slapped everything into place. I'll admit that they look good, but they in no way provide adequate ground for your suits already meager abilities. The alien ship levels were just appauling, and disorientating. Generic rooms that look exactly the same from all angles, turn around too many times and you'll forget which way you came in, with literally no kind of direction given.
To call Crysis next-gen is generous, unless you're speaking purely about graphics in which case i would agree.
The suit functions are indeed generous to one who hasn't ever experienced them in a game. I have never seen it in a game before so it is completely new for me. For someone like you, it will not seem innovative because you've seen it before. So that's understandable.
I love the level design in Crysis. Large open island maps that still offer a direction. The alien ship level (only one, not levels) was disorientating, which added to the experience for me. I memorized that whole level and I can go through with no problems, I never got lost. The level design shouldn't be made for you and your Nanosuit, because that island existed far before the Nanosuit was even discovered, so it makes sense the way it is.
I say Crysis is the only true next gen game. Any other game has basic visuals that don't enhance much from last gen, other than lighting (currently HDR is the big focus). Visuals don't make next gen for me. I say Crysis is next gen due to the graphics, advanced AI, and physics (something else you forgot to agree on). Crysis is the only game in which you are actually firing a projectile (with physics on medium or higher).
So to me, it looks like we are totally opposite in opinions of shooters.
The alien ship levels were just appauling, and disorientating. Generic rooms that look exactly the same from all angles, turn around too many times and you'll forget which way you came in, with literally no kind of direction given.
Yeah, the ALIEN ship design should be all clear so you have no problems with finding the right direction... I guess you totally missed the point of that level design.
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