MovieChat Forums > The New Daughter (2010) Discussion > horribly done film (spoilers)

horribly done film (spoilers)

I hated this movie. It was two hours of my life I will never get back.

Granted, some of the cinematography and acting was pretty good. I will give the movie that much. But the storyline and overall speed and development of the film was terrible. It was really slow going in, but I continued to watch it. I generally try to give every movie I watch a second chance. But, I never really saw much development.

Reasons being, the whole ant farm "allusion," made absolutely no sense until the very end and I thought it was added only for cleverness, in which it failed. From what I understood before watching the film, Louisa was suppose to be changed, but she acted the same throughout the whole film. I never really saw her change. The mound, or whatever the hell it was, was barely explined, even in the end. And then, they threw in the whole mating ritual thing, refering to Louisa, and the whole queen ant thing.

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, or was in the wrong mood when I watched the film, but I thought it was really slow and never really got anywhere. Or when it did, it seemed forced into the storyline and made little sense. Also, I didn't think it was much of a thriller. I wasn't expecting anything like Cabin Fever or Saw, but I wasn't really on the edge of my seat or jumpy.

Usually, I'm not a very hard critic. But I never heard of this movie. I don't think it was in my local theatre. Probably for a good reason.



Everybody views supernatural thrillers differently. For you, it seems, you wanted to sit there and pee your pants scared. There was nothing forced into the storyline, like you said. Stuff probably just went over your head. It is a good movie, the acting very well done, and I am sorry it was jerked around and kicked to the curb. That isn't fair. I don't like bloody, gory, stuff and this wasn't that. But to each his own. It's only being petty to say you wasted two hours of your life. You chose to watch it so deal with that on your own. You would never see me renting something I knew I didn't want to see.


I wasn't looking to be pee my pants scared, I just wanted something that made a little more sense. But true, to each his own.


I agree, Fairy. The plot holes were ridiculous, throwing three big ideas together but without much explanation which left quite a few viewers confused. I don't need super gory, horrorific deaths to enjoy a movie, but I would like for one to make sense. You're right when you say it was more of an allusion as well as an illusion. My husband was just as much "wtf" as I was by the time it was over....
