Anty Maim (spoilers)

Oh My Gawd.

You gotta be kidding Kevin! They put you in a movie where the big Mons Venus turns out to be an ANTHILL? And that is being equated with the sexual maturing of a teenibopper? (Poltergeist) Indian Burial Ground? Why didn't that make it a Pet Sematary (Stephen King)?

And trying to play off every daddy's instinct to protect his "litttle girl" from mating with a bunch of unknown beings. This goes for he visceral gut.

A little tip off about film-making. If they have to show a vivisected pet to get a scare reaction, the film loses a star on its rating. A whole star, not just a half. It used to be in cheesy movies that a cat has to pop out of a garbage can and screech to extract a cheap thrill. Now the level of gross out has to be an animal tortured. A cheap shot by a lousy lazy writer. Next time, try to build suspense by connecting with the audience, instead of hitting us with a plate of gopher guts. You have misjudged your audience--we are not all sophomoric teens who cannot see through your derivative plot devices.

"I said a twelve inch pianist" --old punchline
