I liked it!!! (Spoilers)

I actually liked this movie. Although the ending was a bit much with the monsters (or whatever they were), I definitely was not bored and I jumped a couple times.

Maybe I wasn't paying good enough attention, but I don't see why they just didn't kill the father and son, and take the little girl. After all, she's all they wanted, right? Also, it seemed like she knew the house was bad before they even moved in. Hmmm...I dunno.


I liked it too - gave it 7/10

Thought the girl was quite good - could have had a better ending though

Half Irish, Half German - hated by all. But at least I'm not Welsh


Maybe the girl needed to be "prepared" and accepts her place as a queen. Taking her too soon may have caused her to fail at her new position.

IMO that´s why they spared the dad and son for that long.


Other than the monster angle which cheapened the story, this movie offered an original and terrifying theme, nice tension and good acting. It's a dark movie and perhaps this is why some people hate it. If the same theme had been implemented without resorting to ridiculous ant monsters, this movie might have been a classic. As it is, it's just ok, but still enjoyable.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. Very effective with atmosphere, I liked the use of shadows and music instead of FX shots. Could have used LESS of the mound walkers, quite frankly, and I thought having the bits about the ant lifecycles was hint enough without the professor exposition. I agree that story was a bit overburdened with Costners parental toils, and the timeline was all goofy. In the deleted scenes they showed the ex-wife sporting an 8-9 month pregnancy, yet it seems in the beginning that Costner is freshly divorced and on his own. I do think in SC there is a mandatory year of seperation but I'm not sure the script takes that into account with Costners ineptitude.

I think I overly esteem this flick because I see it more as a Lovecraft movie than some sort of monster horror flick, much less a fmaily drama. We have an ancient race, isolated humans, some elder lore, and an ultimately futile attempt at resistance. All we needed was a shot of the boy in an insane asylum to complete the cycle :P

I'll definitely keep an eye out for this directors next flick, and the child actors did a passable job, so there is hope for them as well.


Original Theme????

The theme is don't fck with Indian Burial Grounds. Poltergeist, Amityville Horror, Pet Semetary. This film is hardly original. It's been done to death. I can't believe Kevin did an Indian Burial Ground movie. And I'm from Charleston, so I was really looking forward to see this. I did like how the professor was from The University of Charleston. A completely non-existent College. Were they not allowed to use the name of a real college? I've never heard of that.


If you watch the extra deleted scenes, you will see that Kevin's character goes to see the ex wifey and she is about 9 months pregnant AND married to her lover. So you can assume the marriage was over quite some time. He went over a bridge to a different state or town so they didn't live in the same place. It was several hours drive away, the reason the babysitter was summoned. This is what I concluded from that scene. And I loved the movie.


I have not watched the deleted scenes but I think I have an explanation. In the beginning the daughter calls the mom a slut and mentions her boyfriend. The husband also said that, in his opinion, the divorce was fairly sudden. My guess would be that his wife was cheating on him long before the divorce.


I agree with mindinstance. In fact, I would have liked to not have seen the monsters, and keep what they look like a mystery.


I like it too :)

Very Original and underated...


I agree with you. This movie is great, very entertaining and so much underrated. I think, It’s much better than Scorsese’s last crap, "Shutter Island", which is just a terrible, predictable "Idea copy" taken from Nicole Kidman’s "The Others".


I liked it quite a bit! And as a monster movie it was very good! The monsters were awesome, great design!! :) I gave it a 7/10.


Pretty good movie. I give it a 7. something about the ending seemed rather abrupt though. Like the director/writer just gave up. Perhaps I'm simply used to a happy ending though ;) Not every ending is a happy ending LOL! I thought it was original too though. Though it reminds me somewhat of pet cemetery. Pet cemetery, and The new Daughter are the only movies I've seen regarding burial grounds/mounds. I wouldn't mind seeing more movies like this :D


I liked the movie a lot too, but the monsters were a bit ridiculous. I watched it with my friends and we were actually hoping the monster[s] would be attractive and, well, deity like. There are easy ways to add elements of horror to beauty, so they could have worked that as well. It was still a pretty good movie in the end.

