Very very good thriller

I just finished watching TND and I love it. It's a perfect film for around Halloween time or whenever. The acting is superb. I will not spill the beans on anything. That's not fair. For me, this is an awesome horror-thriller movie. It is more than worth the time spent.


It is good isn't it? Great acting, nice atmosphere. It takes a weird turn and the ending is blah but all in all, it's a fun and creepy movie.

~ "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


I liked it a lot, too. This should have been released in more theatres...

Go Kevin...


Yes, I was waiting enthusiastically for it to be released at theaters. I just don't get it. I liked it very much because this was a different genre for Kevin. I loved Dragonfly also, which people bash too. But this was like totally creepy and spooky and a good story. I think I might've written it a bit differently if it'd been me, but all in all, very good. I'm going to watch it again with a couple of friends who're anxious to see this too. Thanks, guys, for backing me up!!! It's refreshing for once. Usually I get the worst flack over every little thing I say. I can't apologize because KC is my favorite. I love his stuff, what can I say?



Totally scary flick with an original story that was believable and well-acted. Felt really X-File-ish. Was pleasantly surprised since this wasn't even in theaters (despite Kevin Coster). Both "endings" blew me away! Watch it!


i think one189teen50five is kevin costner. on a hunch i just did a google search and 1/18/1955 is his birthday. and that explains how he liked this movie so much. there's no way that anyone else liked this awful excuse for a film.


You can't be more wrong. I'm not KC. I'm a mature female who can like whomever they want; whenever they want; regardless of what anybody else has to say. Why don't you just MYOB. TND is a very good movie. No movie is perfect, but I enjoyed the different genre KC played in. Give the guy a break for once. Nobody forced you to watch it. You did so willingly. You didn't have to sign in blood to rent a copy. Get over it.


i have nothing against you kevin. i liked a few of your movies. but this one was just awful in every way. we could probably go through every scene and name 10 other movies that the exact same scene was done better in. and why the hell did your character keep leaving the door open?
