When did this come out?

I was waiting for the latest Costner movie, but I literally never saw it at any theater here in town. And my town is not small!

I guess I missed it. Or was it just not very good> I don't remember Costner promoting it!


The dimwitted studio people had it slide in and out of only certain theaters and they screwed it up. I never got to see it on big screen either. They keep doing this to KC's movies. They totally put Swing Vote out on a ledge to fall because it was pitted against other junk. It is a very, very good movie. Don't listen to the drivel here. I loved it.


Well, I saw SWing Vote at the theater and enjoyed it.
BTW I saw this one.

i thought Costner's acting was very authentic. He obviously has children and knows how to act toward them.

This movie was no stretch for him, but it is certainly not the best movie he ever made.
In fact so much was lacking at the end.


End of '09. It played for only one week at our budget theatre.


Not all films get theatre releases, even if they have big stars in them. Costner hasn't had a hit in a while (I'm not commenting on his talent, Upside of Anger is a huge personal fave, but just a fact). For a movie like this with no other name actors, no name director or writer, and it being a horror, anything but a dvd release is unlikely and there's no way anyone would want to spend money on attempting a theatre release. If you want to get a horror movie on big screens you have to be able to market it to teenagers, for one.


The whole trouble is when the studios schedule movies to come out at a rotten time. TND should've come out in October, to coincide with Halloween. But no. They fumbled the ball again. It's not fair. And I loved this movie. I'm not a real fan of scary movies, but because it has KC, I had to see it. Glad I did. I've seen it four times already.
