The dimwitted studio people had it slide in and out of only certain theaters and they screwed it up. I never got to see it on big screen either. They keep doing this to KC's movies. They totally put Swing Vote out on a ledge to fall because it was pitted against other junk. It is a very, very good movie. Don't listen to the drivel here. I loved it.
Not all films get theatre releases, even if they have big stars in them. Costner hasn't had a hit in a while (I'm not commenting on his talent, Upside of Anger is a huge personal fave, but just a fact). For a movie like this with no other name actors, no name director or writer, and it being a horror, anything but a dvd release is unlikely and there's no way anyone would want to spend money on attempting a theatre release. If you want to get a horror movie on big screens you have to be able to market it to teenagers, for one.
The whole trouble is when the studios schedule movies to come out at a rotten time. TND should've come out in October, to coincide with Halloween. But no. They fumbled the ball again. It's not fair. And I loved this movie. I'm not a real fan of scary movies, but because it has KC, I had to see it. Glad I did. I've seen it four times already.