MovieChat Forums > The New Daughter (2010) Discussion > The deities don't do a very good job pro...

The deities don't do a very good job protecting their queen

Just saw this film and it didn't do much for me. I like an ambiguous ending but this one was just lazy. I've read everyone's criticism's and generally agree, but the one thing that really bugged me was why wasn't Costner nailed when he was in the mound. I mean this is their fortress. How could they possibly allow someone to burrow all the way in there, take their "queen" and get out. If they're really meant to be protectors there would have been guards at the entrance and guards in the tunnels, killing Kevin instantly. But no instead they're climbing down trees and over the house to get that cool, creepy shot at the end of the film. Thats awesome thinking. Our pregnant queen's at home alone and we'll all go climb some tree's. They deserve to become extinct for being so retarded.

After typing this and really thinking about this movie, it's made me like it even less.


I agree. It would have been an easy kill. They seem to have some mystic ability to inhibit small light sources when they are within a certain range. Along with their knowledge of the mound, their claws, their other evolutionary alterations to their physiology, and their sheer numbers, they could have easily overwhelmed him and killed him thus protecting their mate...however, that would have been frustrating to watch. I mean to see a grown man lose his wife in a sudden divorce, to see him struggle with a teenage daughter, and to see him go through all that crap just to get killed while trying to rescue her (because he told her he would never leave her) would have been too realistic and that would have frustrated and probably infuriated the audience....


If you guys take out all the elements to this story, what are you left with? NOTHING. It wouldn't even be a movie. It would be nothing. It's just fiction. The guy who wrote it just imagined it to be this way. It's for entertainment purposes only. MAYBE the creatures hoped to trap the dad in the cave for their celebration dinner BUT he outsmarted them first. Who knows? I love this movie. I've seen it five times now and each time gets better.


I understand what you're saying but that's why a message board exists my friend. It's so people can throw ideas out there and get other opinions and discuss certain elements that might be a bit confusing. We all know it's fiction, but we still like to talk about it and explore different scenarios and "what ifs"...just like sports fans do...and BTW, I liked the movie but I didn't love it. I'm not knocking it...but the OP is right...and I agree that the only reason he wasn't killed in the mound was to advance the story. Movie writers do this type of stuff all the time and there's nothing wrong with calling it when it happens.


Yes, I know this board is to discuss stuff, but sometimes disecting the movie is fun and sometimes not. I think we all need to read the original story and see how it differs. I don't know where to find it, because I'd really like to read it and see for myself. Maybe during dad's visit to the mound the creatures were sleeping or something.


Oh spare me. I know its a fictional story and that you have to suspend belief to advance the tension and excitement of the story. But come on, these writers are paid big dollars and we the public in turn pay dollars to go see a film, so is too much to ask for a cohesive and sensible ending. The movie was sub par at best and the ending tipped it down into the garbage. I can't believe one189teen50five that you've seen the film 5 times. I pray that you get around to seeing better films at some point.


I do think I can watch what the hell I want to watch without your permission traveller. Save your prayers for what really matters. I will watch what I want and enjoy it each time.


I also have watched movies that other people couldn't bear so I know what you're saying. I always dissect movies tho. I find it that I personally enjoy a movie more so when the story coincides or has some cohesiveness based on reality. I mean it's a fictional movie but what if the girl jumped up in the air and started flying? That's why there has to be some solidarity even in fiction. A good writer should know this and should strive to make this happen instead of hoping nobody will wonder about it.


maybe that's why they were going extinct in the first place....




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