MovieChat Forums > The New Daughter (2010) Discussion > Anyone else think of the movie (*****) w...

Anyone else think of the movie (*****) when watching this?


I wasn't very impressed with this movie. Love Costner but thought it was a little too much. And the ending when we see the creatures...brought me back to watching the movie SIGNS with Mel Gibson ha! Anyone else notice the resemblance between the two movies?

"Good times! Noodle salad!"


I actually did think of Signs while watching this. Signs is the better movie though.


I was about to post the same thing. I also enjoyed Signs more than this. The daughter being one of the reasons.


I thought it was absurd that being raped and impregnated by the monsters would turn her into a monster as well...

The scientist even states that it's an all male race and females from our species were suppose to be for purly reproductive reasons.... Lame.

-Insert Great Signiture Here-


Agreed, Signs were better. This was a cheap generic horror movie for teenagers with some quasi-story with mandatory loopholes. Should not watch without popcorns and/or bear.


How is signs better? The alien died from water!!! Dumbest weakness since the Wizard of Oz.

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What's so dumb about it? What if we managed to create a vessel that could take us out of the Milky Way and into a different galaxy. We find a terrestrial planet and land. They have an energy source there called fomanthian that grows naturally from the ground. Our exposure to it weakens our immune system to the point of death, and quickly. It is so common to them they say, "What a bunch of idiots! Why would you travel to a planet that has fomanthian everywhere when it kills you! Dumbest weakness since the Blachner of the Weezlawaz."


HEY! To each his own. I liked the New Daughter very much and everybody in it.


In the beginning it reminded me of The Messengers and then the movie The Decent later on.

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reminded me of mama and signs though just slightly..had a similar feel but not quite there was definately something m night shamalon(spelling) about it
