
Hey guys, I just rented this movie last night from a local redbox and I didn't understand most of it, here's to hoping someone can clear a few things for me.

1. Why/How did the girl get that weird-like rash on her back?

2. What the hell was the nest for in her closet?

3. What was the deal with all the spiders and the little doll?

4. Why was she bleeding in the bathtub the very first time she got all crazy at the mound?

5. What was the huge stockpile of furniture in the house for towards the end of the movie?

6.And last, how exactly did she turn into one of them?


To answer #4, she was menstruating. To get an answer to #6, I suggest you consult your local mound walker.


Ah, okay, well, thanks for answering a two of 'em, Jeff. =)


1. Who knows? Part of the mating ritual, maybe? Or a rash from rolling around in the mud with a bunch of weird dirty creatures? Story wise though, I think it's so we know something is wrong with her. If that was my daughter, and she was puking and had some strange rash, she'd be visiting the ER. Not sure why KC's character just takes her to school the next day. That's more disconcerting and unbelievable to me than anything else in the movie.

2. Because she's getting ready to lay eggs or something.

3. It was symbolic. The spiders were inside a nut located in the stomach area of the doll, the womb. They hatched from the doll, just like the gril would hatch the mound babies.

4. I agree, she was probably menstruating. They made a pretty big deal about puberty and changes in the movie.

5. I think maybe the little boy and the teacher had been barricading themselves in, or maybe the girl freaked out and did it. It also could have happened during the struggle between the teacher and Louisa.

6. I think she was pregnant. Or they bit her. Who knows.


Here are my best guesses as to the answers.
I am giving then in the order that makes the most sense to me.

4. During her first visit to the mound she lost her virginity to one of the "ant-monsters",
therefore the bleeding.
3. As another poster said, the doll was a gift to her from the "ant-monsters". It was meant to symbolize
her new role as queen of the "ant-monsters". The embedded nut was supposed to represent her womb
with newly present baby "ant-monster" eggs (i.e., spiders).
1. You mean that you don't remember that when a human transforms into any creature with an
exoskeleton (eg., ants), the first area of the human body that begins to show the transformation
is on the skin at the base of the skull.
2. That was just her demonstrating the normal queen "ant-monster" pre-birth home making skills.
5. It was probably supposed to either keep something in or out. I doubt if the movie makers knew.
6. Multiple "gettin' busy" visits to the mound.

PS: This was maybe the most pitiful screenplay EVER !!!


Ha! That was funny! Thanks.
