MovieChat Forums > The Happening (2008) Discussion > You know who was the worst in the movie?

You know who was the worst in the movie?

People keep blaming Shyamalan but God Almighty Mark Wahlberg was awful in this movie. From the very first scene in the classroom, it was hilarious.
Maybe this wasn't a great movie, but Wahlberg made this hilarious (untintentionally). He was the worst.

Take an interest in Science!


From the very first scene in the classroom


I am not surprised the classroom scene offended you if you are american and "as good as anything going".


He was directed to speak that was or he was sabotaging the movie on purpose. He's obviously a decent actor so who knows.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


It's from that very scene that you should have acknowledged the movie for what it is.
That scene puts the mood to the rest of the movie so you know what you are watching.
The problem is people not wanting to understand that this was supposed to be a cheesy B-movie.
People wanted it to be a serious movie so bad that they forget to enjoy it for what it is.
Its obvious that Wahlberg or Dechannel are acting the way Shyamalan wanted.
You say "unintentionally" but it was obviously intentional for them to act like this.
I just don't understand why the studio marketed the movie as a thriller/horror, so it's pretty understandable that the people feel outrageous by this wonderfully funny movie.


Oh come on! This is the biggest load I've ever read! 

Shyamalan didn't pull the "It's a B movie so ____ is intentionally bad" excuse out of his hat until after the awful reviews started pouring in. It's called damage control. Even though I don't believe his excuse for a second, how horribly elitist, arrogant and snotty an attitude to have about low budget films in the first place!

So we're REALLY supposed to believe that Shyamalan spent 50 million dollars to make an intentionally horribly acted film with a moronic plot and awful dialogue? Yeah, sorry, ain't buying it. This also doesn't explain the awful acting and dialogue in many of his other films, like Jaden and Will Smith in After Earth and basically the entire cast of The Last Airbender, not to mention HIMSELF whenever he casts himself in a role. He has "directed" SEVEN actors to Razzie nominations so far. Are we supposed to believe that was all intentional too?

My horror movie blog:


what? nooooo!

so many movies, so little time


It is because of his fine acting that I am officially taking an interest in Science!! Put that into your beaker and smoke it!


Wahlberg's acting was atrocious, and Deschanel wasn't too far behind him.

It was cringeworthy to watch the acting and dialogue, but it was also hilarious at times too, and it made me laugh out loud at how truly awful it was.


I think the fault is with the filmmaker here, 100%. The actors were working with a sh*t story and script.
