Oh come on! This is the biggest load I've ever read!
Shyamalan didn't pull the "It's a B movie so ____ is intentionally bad" excuse out of his hat until after the awful reviews started pouring in. It's called damage control. Even though I don't believe his excuse for a second, how horribly elitist, arrogant and snotty an attitude to have about low budget films in the first place!
So we're REALLY supposed to believe that Shyamalan spent 50 million dollars to make an intentionally horribly acted film with a moronic plot and awful dialogue? Yeah, sorry, ain't buying it. This also doesn't explain the awful acting and dialogue in many of his other films, like Jaden and Will Smith in After Earth and basically the entire cast of The Last Airbender, not to mention HIMSELF whenever he casts himself in a role. He has "directed" SEVEN actors to Razzie nominations so far. Are we supposed to believe that was all intentional too?
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