I really dont get it!
Now, I get the whole the plants are doing it but how! And everyone keeps saying there is something deeper than that but what? please explain it too me!
shareNow, I get the whole the plants are doing it but how! And everyone keeps saying there is something deeper than that but what? please explain it too me!
shareHow? They explained how in the movie. The plants are releasing a toxin into the air that affects peoples' brains and makes them want to kill themselves. Although I suppose it still leaves the question of the toxin being carried by wind currents that the plants apparently somehow control and send after specific people. Wind currents that you can see and, on a good day, outrun.
Deeper than that? Like how they tell us about dead fishermen and all the bees in North America vanishing and never tell us why, or how it's relevant to the story? "It's a mystery of science and we'll never understand it." That's a hell of an explanation. I do like the theory about this movie being a comedy, it's actually the best theory yet to explain what I just saw.
True. Nothing is really explained in the movie. Yes, people speculate, and I think the audience is left to do the same. My opinion about the bee's, or at least why they are relevant to the film. Sine one of the main functions of bee's in nature is to pollinate plants, if humans are causing the bee population to die off in mass quantities, it could explain why the plants sent out the so called warning shot.
shareWE ARE THE PROBLEM. That's all you need to know. At the end of the film, instead of showing the scientist explain the film, they should have just had the director talking directly to the camera with the caption, "And now, a very important message from Director M. Night Shyamalan." He could talk for twenty minutes and chastize the audience for existing and hurting the trees.
shareIt's a monster movie where nature is the monster.
All glory to the Hypnotoad
"And now, a very important message from Director M. Night Shyamalan." He could talk for twenty minutes and chastize the audience for existing and hurting the trees.
it has nothing to do with environment and trees, it's about suicide bombings.
shareit has nothing to do with environment and trees, it's about suicide bombings.
yes, that is the conclusion Night infuses into the characters [and most of the viewers]
you will recall lots of references to "what kind of terrorists ARE these" [when man puts arm in lion's mouth].
so in a way it is simply SATIRE on the american LOVE of blood and killing - so Night "twists" that love by J Doe killing hirself, thus causing almost comedic indecision in the viewer in hir post 9/11 terror induced state.
and yes also the TV anchor man when all is over takes the part of J Doe to say "surely this could not be blamed on US? - if it Happeninged in another country then maybe, but not for we plant and animal loving people of america [puts hand on heart and salutes the flag].
then same in Paris
very clever movie and IMHO the BEST in his 9/11 cycle
his 9/11 cycle! great, i thought that i was the only one who could see it, i though night himself couldn't!
share i thought that i was the only one who could see it
Night realizes that the only way to get through to HELPING americans becoming Americans again is NOT by doing documentaries [we saw what happened to Michael Moore] but by devising cunning little stories showing americans as actual PEOPLE [doing exactly as americans DO] and not as fake Hollywood caricatures.
of course that entails a certain amount of "taking the piss" but as americans don't understand when they are HAVING the piss taken it makes them even more confused which in turn causes anger and lashing out at the one trying to save them.
this is typical Stockholm Syndrome and The Happening shows this perhaps best of all his 9/11 cycle movies.
he gave the message in LITW via Maggies Farm that he was done with all the trying and like Dylan and his song was going to move ON to other things, but he "came out of retirement" for one more with this movie and was given clearance to shed his 13+ classification by the studio and did he ever have a ball [watch the DVD extras].
i find it too in his last one, after earth, although it's more of a smith movie, but night put some of his stuff there.
sharesorry, not seen that one yet - so thanks for the info
Night realizes that the only way to get through to HELPING americans becoming Americans again is NOT by doing documentaries [we saw what happened to Michael Moore] but by devising cunning little stories showing americans as actual PEOPLE [doing exactly as americans DO] and not as fake Hollywood caricatures.
Agreed Intotrance. Lester is an extremely bigoted and hate filled person. He also has limited ability to grasp simple concepts.
shareit has nothing to do with environment and trees, it's about suicide bombings.
yes, that is the conclusion Night infuses into the characters [and most of the viewers]
you will recall lots of references to "what kind of terrorists ARE these" [when man puts arm in lion's mouth].
so in a way it is simply SATIRE on the american LOVE of blood and killing - so Night "twists" that love by J Doe killing hirself, thus causing almost comedic indecision in the viewer in hir post 9/11 terror induced state.
and yes also the TV anchor man when all is over takes the part of J Doe to say "surely this could not be blamed on US? - if it Happeninged in another country then maybe, but not for we plant and animal loving people of america [puts hand on heart and salutes the flag].
then same in Paris
very clever movie and IMHO the BEST in his 9/11 cycle
I went through hoops to register on IMDB and be able to reply, only to tell you that you're not alone.
shareSorry I feel compelled to say few of 'em seemed to have been high when they replied to your question.