Gosh, that Livia's 1948 apartment brought me some weird childhood memories, except for the Life magazine. Hey, maybe I'm a time traveler too. It would be nice after living in the future, going back to type writers and the wonders of 1940s medicine.
Cut to a scene in the “future” with iPods, flat screen TVs and and smart phones. But would the future seem so appealing if the 1948 scene had been with a heart-warming family in a big house with fireplace and piano, while the 2007 one had been with a loner in a shabby apartment in the projects?
“Two weeks pay for every year in the paper, and three months health coverage.” No way! Here a veteran reporter like Dan would come out with a small fortune instead. He'd almost wish to be fired.
Dan “Big night for my father... Because tomorrow he's gonna leave my family.” Cut to credits. Come on, what a weak teaser. Unless we'd seen Dan could change that, which we know he won't.
I loved Nancy Stokes's 1979 hairdo. I was studying high school in the US at the time, and all the girls had that same hair style.
Why won't Katie burn that goddamned apron already? Every time she looks at it she has a dramatic moment and a flashback.
All in all, as it's been mentioned on this forum already, it's nice to see Jack on board with the time-traveling supporting team.
Ha, ha, if I'd met my father when he was in his 30s he would spot me at once. Only in fiction older characters look completely different.
And oh, come on! Similar to the issue raised about adult Aeden recognizing Dan after having met him as a child, if I'd met someone in 1979 as an adult and then again in 2007, like Dennis did, I'd certainly remember them. How come Dennis Ambacher, when seeing Dan for the first time, didn't say, “Dan Carson, UPI?” Oh, wait, when they first met, Dan still hadn't traveled back in time and met Dennis. But after Dan did that and came back to 2007, he came to a new reality in which Dennis had met him in '79 and '07, and possibly before that. The whole time line was supposed to have been screwed by that. But Dennis didn't recognize Dan even when Dan confronted Dennis and blackmailed him in his office in '07. And my head hurts!
Dan: “Do you wanna know something? I just saved the newspaper.” In the end, Dan saves his job and that of 50 other people... And the newspaper goes bankrupt. You know, often when companies fire people, it's not because the owners like to fire people. Sometimes it's necessary. And the way Dan keeps stringing Hugh along with fake news stories like that of Dylan McCleen, I can't really blame Dennis. But because of Dan old Dennis Ambacher couldn't fire anyone and had to get his kicks out of torturing kittens and puppies, and humiliating his house servants.
The final caroling scene. So Jack had left to deal with his unexpected parenthood issues. Dan was away saving his job. Katie was in her room having a meltdown. It was funny how the writers managed to fill the house with meaningless extras who only made noise, filled up the place, but didn't exchange a word with anybody, so Dan and Jack's mother would feel Katie's absence “in the crowd.” Where did all those people come from? Why else would they fill their house with so many unknown people?
The episode had several solid dramatic moments between Katie and Dan's mom, Jack and Theresa, Dan and his father Frank, Dan and Livia and what's-his-name 1948 dude, Dan and Katie. It was a better than average Christmas episode. The episode was fine, really, but nothing compared to what's possibly ahead in the show. Christmas episodes are usually sappy and slow. For instance I always cringe at the season's episodes of shows like Eureka or Warehouse 13. So in general I don't like Christmas episodes. This time it wasn't bad at all, but it wasn't fantastic either. I'm glad we're past that and on the way to better things.
I give this episode 6 Christmas caroler extras.