MovieChat Forums > Journeyman (2007) Discussion > This Friday on Journeyman epp 12 : The H...

This Friday on Journeyman epp 12 : The Hanged Man

Aired Dec 17, 2007

Dan struggles to save A mother and child in the past.


All right! We finally got to see Livia bounce in a state of partial undress. Worth the price of admission.

Looks like everyone in a position to call security is up to no good. Makes me wonder what Dr. Langley's up to. OK, just a coincidence but it sounded good.

That cosmic compensation thing is still working in the strangest of ways. The timeline altered by the camera took away Dan's son, but gave him a daughter of the same age in return. Gotta be some sort of karmic balance thing.

It's about time this time-travel show did the trope of technology taken to before it's time. Cool computer tech it put in Dan's time. Anyone else think of Firefly when looking at that screen-display paper?

Well, possible setup for an explanation of everything in the psychic, FBI guy and Dr. Langley coming together. Or not. One more ep to go and see if that's what it does. For lack of a spoiler, I'm just gonna wait a week and see then.

Rating? I'll give this one 8 nanotech floating hologram displays.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


by bob-402-252005 24 minutes ago (Sat Jul 7 2012 13:51:50)
UPDATED Sat Jul 7 2012 13:52:33
Cool computer tech it put in Dan's time. Anyone else think of Firefly when looking at that screen-display paper?

No... Should we? Please, refresh my memory.


Similar tech to the notice Badger showed Mal as a reason for breaking their deal in the pilot ep. A sheet of paper with animated computer images running on it.

Just mentioning the only other sci-fi reference in which I've seen it.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


It must've been a very quick scene because I don't remember it. I think the first time I saw this kind of e-paper was in Minority Report, where people are seeing news of John Anderton's pursuit.


Yet another reason why I've eventually got to watch The Minority Report some day.

Being a fan of Philip K. Dick, and especially partial to his dystopian visions, I'm surprised at myself for not having gotten around to that one yet.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Yes, you should. You must've seen Blade Runner then, of course, right? Anyway, I know Minority Report is based on a short story by Philip Dick, but I wonder how faithful is it to the source material, since it's just a short story, and we need more than that for a movie that lasts over two hours. At least in the case of Blade Runner, there are tremendous differences between book and movie, and in the movie we feel the director's heavy hand.


Yeah, when I watch Bladerunner I have to completely disassociate it from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? in order to enjoy it.

The closest I've ever seen any movie come to the book, though, was A Scanner Darkly. I still get annoyed with the commentary track on on the DVD because they go on about how close to the book it is but completely skip over the movie blending two minor characters into one. But Woody makes up for it with his adlibbed pratfall in the bike scene. No other actor alive could have pulled that one off and made it look so innocent.

Now I'm annoyed to find out about an indy film of Radio Free Albemuth that I don't get to watch. Alanis Morissette as Sadassa Silvia? Brilliant casting and impressive star power for an indie. I can almost imagine how she might sing that "party" song.

I haven't read the short story for Minority Report, though. Didn't keep me from enjoying Total Recall, though.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Holy mackerel this thing is getting interesting, what a shame we are not going to get any real answers to this thing. To bad NBC canceled it.
Nice evening wear from Livia, very nice pair knocking around in there. So Dan has finally done it, he changed his son into a daughter, I kind of thought something like that could happen.
Not to be outdone by last weeks crazy mother in law on Dan's side, we bring in the super bi**hy sister in law on Kate's side. The good news was Kate's sister knew a kick ass psychic. Man this chick new her taro cards. She also filled us in on the cosmic event from Dan and Livia's birth days.
And then there is Doctor Langley. Does he really not know Dan or has something changed in his timeline that has caused him never to have any conversations with Dan?
Oh yeah I almost forgot, in the opening scene there was a moment there when I thought Katy was going through the void with Dan, he took the camera so I'm wondering if he were engaged in an embrace with Katy would she go along as well, kind of like in Star Trek when ever someone would grab onto Kirk just as he transported and they would go with him.
As far as the plot of the week, I'm pretty sure I would have just taken the camera the first time I saw it and been done with it or at the very least I would have smashed the crap out of it, problem solved unless they used the used the terminator hand thing but anyway the camera would have been non operational the first time I saw it.
All in all another good episode, I'll give it 8 32 bit processors on the JM scale.


by charmedwon666 20 minutes ago (Sat Jul 7 2012 17:57:05)
Oh yeah I almost forgot, in the opening scene there was a moment there when I thought Katy was going through the void with Dan, he took the camera so I'm wondering if he were engaged in an embrace with Katy would she go along as well, kind of like in Star Trek when ever someone would grab onto Kirk just as he transported and they would go with him.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Catherine Hicks's character (20 Century's whale specialist)


Yeah it happened in the series a couple of times as well, I think one time with Spock and a Romulan commander and another one that slips my mind at the moment.


Spock and a Romulan engaged in a hot embrace? No way, that was not Star Trek New Voyages!


Yeah, Spock kept her busy long enough for Kirk to steal her cloaking device. (Way oversimplified.)


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Yep thats right he romanced her and Kirk had Romulan ears surgically implanted to pretend to be a member of the crew and then jack the cloaking device. When she knew the jig was up she heard the transport beam when they were getting spock and grabbed hold for the ride.


OK, OK, the Romulan officer was a "she." How sexist of me...


OK, OK, the Romulan officer was a "she." How sexist of me...

She was hot, too.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


General thoughts

Sensational! From all the Journeyman episodes, this is the one I've always remembered most vividly.

The video e-paper, the Star Wars holographic monitor, the timeline replacement: what could be cooler? Even time travel pales in comparison. But if you ask me, I think Dan would've done better if he stayed with the second timeline. He would have a cool supercomputer and a beautiful daughter. OK, he would have to give up his son, but that would be a small price to pay.

No, seriously. Wow, that look Katie gave Dan when he said, “I need to get our life back tomorrow,” and then she held her daughter and said, “Don't you change anything,” that was totally moving and dramatic. And when he replied, “Of course not, this our family. I wouldn't change a thing” I'm sure they both knew he was lying.

Oh, Katie's annoying sister Anette. I'd long had a cursh on her ever since the X-Files, when she played Scully's New-Age sister. Apparently she still believes in New Age things.

Anette: “Where's my nephew?” – OK, here's a part I have a problem with: Dan had just left the camera in 1984. Shouldn't Dan have arrived in an altered timeline the moment he came back the first time? I think it would've been pretty shocking if Dan had seen his new daughter and asked “Who's that?” in front of all the guests, who would think he's crazy.

Hey, do you all remember Simone Hundin? Well, not she appears as a mysterious soothsayer. And what's the deal of that comet connecting Dan and Livia's birthdays? Let's watch the last episode and find out. Or then, if that doesn't work, search for online interviews with the show's creators for answers.

At the end we have Dan Vasser, father of the year. Now, will you please take 30 seconds to mourn the disappearance of Caroline Vasser, your daughter?

One final note: Elliot Langley always looks synister and shady, and a terrible liar. Oh, well, we have one more episode to look into that. Or online interviews...

Interesting dialogue passages:

Livia and Dan try to find the junior camera stealer...
Livia: “Henry wants to get married this weekend.”
Dan: “What are you going to do?”
Livia: “Marry him.”
Dan: “I hope you're happy, Liv, I mean that.”
Livia: “I know you do.”
Wow! Livia couldn't sound more ecstatic! No, really, she sounded like she was talking about a funeral.

Dan productively spending his reporter time watching videos...
Hugh: “What are you watching?”
Dan: “Some kid I used to know. He and his partner invented an occular implant.”
Hugh: “Riveting.”
Dan: “Actually, it is, since they are about five years away from giving sight to the blind.”
No, they aren't. It's 2012 (five years later) and that's far from happening.

Creatively rephrased dialogue passages:

At the “previously in Journeyman” vignette...
Livia: “You're gonna be tested, Dan, you gotta study.”

Dan's mom: “Now you listen to me, Katie. You don't need him. You're a strong woman, and you don't need anybody, except yourself, much less half-baked advice from a semi-senile old lady like me.”

As Dan falls down the stairs (hilarious, by the way)...
Hugh: “You know, if the stairs are a problem, we have the transporter room.”
Dan: “Since when?”
Hugh: “Ever since you changed the timeline, I think.”

At the “Seinfeld” computer company in 1984...
Dan: “If I accidentally left something significant behind in one of the trips, would that cause problems?”
Livia: “Depends. What did you lose?”
Dan: “A digital camera.”
Livia: “New technology? Never good to leave behind.”
Dan: “How do you know? From one of your trips to the future?”
Livia: “No, basic sci-fi rule, duh, you moron!”

Meanwhile, at Vasser Manor...
Anette: “Where's Dan?”
Katie: “He was called away. A story.”
Hugh: “He was? You mean, he's actually reporting? First time in a month. Wait! I'm his editor. Shouldn't I know something about it? Well... Nah!”

Caroline shows Dan her artwork...
Caroline: “I made this at school. It's a butterfly. Do you like the effect?”

Things I learned in Journeyman:

- Never leave future technology behind. Duh!

- Fortune tellers are always wise, always possess deep secrets, and are never crackpots, even when they are full of vague generalizations. (OK, that “Zack!” thing was almost unecessarily specific.)

- Cops appreciate culture as well. (Apparently Jack read Slaughterhouse 5.)

- 1984 garbage truck compactors can crush anything, even small cameras surrounded by a lot of soft trash like paper.

- Alternate-timeline girls make pink butterflies. Boys from this timeline make green ones.


Fantastic episode. Time travel at its best, and a moving father son/daugther situation. I can only give this one 10 butterflies.


How many "best episode yet" episodes are we going to get? OK, at most, one more. I have to say that this has been the most consistently good series yet (admitting, as I must, that I've only been in on about half of them). That is, unless next week Dan finds out that his mission is to stave off an invasion of silver-skinned aliens and giant mice while trying to exorcise the ghost of a Roman emperor who has been possessing Katie (which would explain a lot).

Caroline shows Dan her artwork...
Caroline: “I made this at school. It's a butterfly. Do you like the effect?”

Excellent! They should have used that!

OK, we don't have ocular implants that give sight to the blind, but we also were supposed to have a manned mission to Mars in 1978 (The Time Tunnel), bases on the moon and orbiting hotels in 2001 (2001: A Space Odyssey), and time travel in 2007 (Timecop). But forget all that, where is my flying car, dammit! (The Jetsons)

I don't think Langley forgot Dan; that last stare indicated to me that he was just playing ignorant. We'll probably never find out why. I suspect we'll also never find out about Livia's marriage, what happens to Jack and Theresa, do things ever settle down for Dan, what was the FBI guy after, what's the story with Langley, and who the heck is in charge of all of this?

And on a "be careful how you post" note: Had to laugh at the way the thread displayed for me. Bob apparently displays the thread as "thread" or "nest", which shows which specific post you're replying to. I display them as flat, which just shows the posts in the order that they were posted, without regard to lines of conversation. So what? Bob replied to the "Romulan Commander" thread, commenting that "She was hot". But the "flat" display puts it after madp's post that ends with comments about Dan's daughter. Be careful Bob; this is how ugly rumors get started.


by - dtmuller on Mon Jul 9 2012 11:12:46
That is, unless next week Dan finds out that his mission is to stave off an invasion of silver-skinned aliens and giant mice while trying to exorcise the ghost of a Roman emperor who has been possessing Katie (which would explain a lot).

Come on, no spoilers! You just ruined it for all of us!

OK, we don't have ocular implants that give sight to the blind, but we also were supposed to have a manned mission to Mars in 1978 (The Time Tunnel), bases on the moon and orbiting hotels in 2001 (2001: A Space Odyssey), and time travel in 2007 (Timecop). But forget all that, where is my flying car, dammit! (The Jetsons)

I thought you meant Back to the Future II. It's true, but the predictions in these movies were either too far ahead, or the movies did not take themselves too seriously. Journeyman, on the other hand, seemed to have such a serious approach to the subject that they actually seemed to believe that would be possible.

And on a "be careful how you post" note: Had to laugh at the way the thread displayed for me. Bob apparently displays the thread as "thread" or "nest", which shows which specific post you're replying to. I display them as flat, which just shows the posts in the order that they were posted, without regard to lines of conversation. So what? Bob replied to the "Romulan Commander" thread, commenting that "She was hot". But the "flat" display puts it after madp's post that ends with comments about Dan's daughter. Be careful Bob; this is how ugly rumors get started.

HA, HA, HA! That made my day! I had to see the thread as both "thread" and "Flat" and effect was hilarious. So, for now on just to be on the safe side, I'm posting detailed quotes.

Just a curiosity. We've seen that actress, Ellery Sprayberry, before, by the way. She played "Young Olive" in Pushing Daisies, in the episode in which she was kidnapped as a child, her supposed kidnappers went to see "Old Olive," and she pretended to be engaged to Ned. As for the girl being hot or not in the future, I suggest revisiting this thread in ten years and we can all form a judgment.


And on a "be careful how you post" note: Had to laugh at the way the thread displayed for me. Bob apparently displays the thread as "thread" or "nest", which shows which specific post you're replying to. I display them as flat, which just shows the posts in the order that they were posted, without regard to lines of conversation. So what? Bob replied to the "Romulan Commander" thread, commenting that "She was hot". But the "flat" display puts it after madp's post that ends with comments about Dan's daughter. Be careful Bob; this is how ugly rumors get started.

Yikes! Thanks for the heads-up. I went ahead and edited my post to add a quote.

Now that makes my Scooby Doo sig seem suspicious.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


This Friday on Journeyman epp 12 : The Hanged Man

Man I’m going to miss this show starting to really get into it and now only one more episode. Boy if it wasn’t for his new daughter I would have kept the new time line. Just a thought Zach was at time getting on my nerves as I’m sure he did the same to Dan why not trade him in for a new daughter. Well that wouldn’t be right. A lot of cool stuff that I won’t see in my life time. The young Engineering looking at the camera saying it must use a 32 bit processor. That seemed to be a stretch if he would have been Chinese and they had cut into chips I believe in time they could have figured it out. Just the flat display would have astounded me if I had seen one of those thirty years ago. Going to miss Livia it’s too bad it’s not like the Time Traveler Wife and only the women would travel without clothes. So now we know it was that darn comet passing by that gave Dan his special powers. I was hoping for some type of Government program gone wild.

Sorry for the late post busy day yesterday.


by wlcebtg 2 hours ago (Mon Jul 9 2012 16:18:11)
This Friday on Journeyman epp 12 : The Hanged Man

The young Engineering looking at the camera saying it must use a 32 bit processor. That seemed to be a stretch if he would have been Chinese and they had cut into chips I believe in time they could have figured it out. Just the flat display would have astounded me if I had seen one of those thirty years ago.

The scene takes place in 1984. 1985 was the year of Back to the Future and at that time I was even more impressed with Marty's camcorder than Doc Brown's time traveling DeLorean. And a couple years later I bought my first Amiga computer, which had color output and played rudimentary animations in color. I was also impressed, and incredibly excited.

Since I'm not an engineer, and all the recording devices looked the same to me (same with digital and analog), I sure would've been impressed but perhaps I could be fooled into thinking the digital camera was from that time period. But if that boy was an Engineer he sure could tell the existence of that camera was simply impossible, and his attitude would've been much less nonchalant.

So now we know it was that darn comet passing by that gave Dan his special powers. I was hoping for some type of Government program gone wild.

Far from an explanation, that was merely a speculation raised by a curious psychic that has no connection with the time-traveling phenomenon. The old NASA photo with Dan and Professor Langley, on the other hand, seems to be much more indicative instead.


where to next guys. one more episode to go......


by - wlcebtg on Thu Jul 12 2012 15:50:48
where to next guys. one more episode to go.....

According to my observations of the proceedings in the discussions of other shows, the whole "where to next" process begins a while after the last episode, so hold on a little.


No problem I just like to jump ahead at times...
