Where to next?
The King is dead. Long live the King! Believe it or not, once again it's time to choose another one. In the unlikely chance that someone new started seeing these posts just now, we're a jolly group of people who likes to watch old TV shows and commenting on them. We've just finished Journeyman, but you can join in the one. You can participate by helping us choosing the next one.
That being said, all those who wish to continue on to a new show list 2 shows you would like to do next. The guidelines are pretty simple.
1. It should be a one-season show. As it's been done before, a show with two short seasons can be considered as well.
2. Availability is a tricky little thing. I assume our American friends would prefer it it to be available on Netflix, though that's not entirely necessary, since others may get it from different sources. The important thing is that we try to find a show that is available to everyone.
3. Suggestions are open and will close on Sunday July 22nd at 10 P.M. That's my 10 P.M, which should be 6 P.M. in California. Voting will take place from Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th. Winner will be announced Friday 27th. There will be one week off for members to obtain the show and then the following Friday (August 3rd) we will start. You can also use this week to persuade the group you couldn't find that show at all so we can consider another one.
4. We ask once something is finally chosen do your best to go with it even if it isn't entirely your cup of tea, it's only one season. We have always been able to come to a consensus.
That's it. We have always managed to find something good about every show we have chosen and as hard as it is to believe, some of us have been doing this since January 07.
We are now open for Suggestions.