Where to next?

The King is dead. Long live the King! Believe it or not, once again it's time to choose another one. In the unlikely chance that someone new started seeing these posts just now, we're a jolly group of people who likes to watch old TV shows and commenting on them. We've just finished Journeyman, but you can join in the one. You can participate by helping us choosing the next one.

That being said, all those who wish to continue on to a new show list 2 shows you would like to do next. The guidelines are pretty simple.

1. It should be a one-season show. As it's been done before, a show with two short seasons can be considered as well.

2. Availability is a tricky little thing. I assume our American friends would prefer it it to be available on Netflix, though that's not entirely necessary, since others may get it from different sources. The important thing is that we try to find a show that is available to everyone.

3. Suggestions are open and will close on Sunday July 22nd at 10 P.M. That's my 10 P.M, which should be 6 P.M. in California. Voting will take place from Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th. Winner will be announced Friday 27th. There will be one week off for members to obtain the show and then the following Friday (August 3rd) we will start. You can also use this week to persuade the group you couldn't find that show at all so we can consider another one.

4. We ask once something is finally chosen do your best to go with it even if it isn't entirely your cup of tea, it's only one season. We have always been able to come to a consensus.

That's it. We have always managed to find something good about every show we have chosen and as hard as it is to believe, some of us have been doing this since January 07.

We are now open for Suggestions.


Well, why not start now? Here are my suggestions:

Day Break - Cop show meets Groundhog Day. The show for you if you want more of Moon Bloodgood.

The Prisoner - I suggest the 1967 version, but in case it's too hard to find we could go with the 2009 miniseries. It would be interesting to compare anyway.


Going out on a limb with my votes:

Darkroom (1981) - James Coburn hosts an anthology of fantasy/horror that has been compared to The Twilight Zone and Night Gallery. I don't recall that much of it, but I do remember that it was far better than Night Gallery. (A low bar to hurdle.) I never understood why it failed, but then recently heard it was up against Dallas at its peak. IMDB shows 16 episodes, but, as with NG, those are actually segments, which were broadcast two or three to an episode. In fact, there were only six episodes, and I'd suggest we watch it that way. The entire series is available on YouTube. Poor quality, but that's how I watched Wonderfalls and, um, that other time travel show that I'd better not mention.

Tales of Tomorrow (1951) - Going a little crazy here: that's not a typo, this one is three years older than I am. I've watched only a couple of episodes, and it's pretty cheesy. I'm a fan of old time radio, and these clearly resemble Dimension X or X-1 radio dramas with pictures. But still, it's an interesting look at very early TV and science fiction. Recorded as it was broadcast live, I understand the "Frankenstein" episode where Lon Chaney showed up drunk for what he thought was a rehearsal is great fun. There are 26 surviving episodes from season 1 available on Hulu. I would have no objection to limiting ourselves to perhaps half of those.


Suggestions noted. Just a couple reminders I should have included as mock rules. 1- Under my administration, no backbiting Night Gallery: it's quite a good show. 2- No more mentioning of V******s! either, but then you guys already knew that one.

I'm kidding of course, but you guys tend to be repetitive about some issues. I wish I'd joined you then, so I could be part of the internal joke.

I've seen a couple of episodes of both. I always thought Dark Room was a Twilight Zone wannabe, like so many, such as Tales of the Unexpected, Tales of Whatever... But I did enjoy it.

As for Tales of Tomorrow, I saw one. Being used to modern storytelling and TV budget, I found it shockingly amateurish, but I agree, it reminded me of radio. There are 42 episodes made for the first season alone, but just a few available at Hulu. It would certainly be a novelty.


Under my administration, no backbiting Night Gallery: it's quite a good show.

So we're down to backbiting just the "Ghost of Nero"?

Actually, that's part of why I suggested Tales of Tomorrow. If that show doesn't give us new mockery fodder, I don't know what will.


Here are the 2 I like

1. THE MIDDLEMAN (2008) elements of humor and sci-fi to create a fully enjoyable fictional world. Saw 3 episodes and they were great.

2. TERRIERS (2010) new and clever way to tell the classic detective story. Never saw any episodes but heard it was decent.



It's a bit premature to say GCB as that show ended it's broadcast run while we were doing Journeyman, which we just finished and we fans are still petitioning the network to try and save our show. Still, the pragmatic side of me expects to eventually watch it with this group at some future time.

My two nominations are:

1.) My standard nomination of God, The Devil And Bob. A great comedy touching on timeless and universal themes. Features the voice talent of the great James Garner as God, and he was even better in the role than George Burns was. Also featuring some of the best ever animation art of any prime-time cartoon for adults. You could watch every episode a dozen times over and still take away something new from each viewing of each episode.

Feeling like a little '70s sci-fi, so
2.) Battlestar Galactica. Specifically the '70s one-season wonder that started the franchise. The one where Cmdr. Adama was played by Bonanza patriarch Lorne Greene and the Viper pilot named Starbuck was a dude played by an actor better known for his later co-starring role in The A-Team.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Bob I was thinking the same thing about Tera Nova the fox show that got cancelled this season. The few I saw I liked but for what ever reason just didn't keep up with it.

I liked Battlestar G the original, it had Anne Lockhart (June's kid) Dirk Benedick and Richard Hatch along with Lorne Greene. As I recall there were quite a few episodes in that season.



Gosh, I think God, the Devil, and Bob-402-252005 eventually will have to be picked. I mean, perhaps we should have a rule that a show must be chosen for the sheer number of times it's been nominated. I, for one, would welcome it, though that one may be hard to find.

I haven't heard good things about GCB and Terra Nova, and I have the impression those are bad but not for the fun reasons. If push comes to shove, I hope I'm wrong.

Oh, I had a blast in the late 1970s with Battlestar Galactica. Unfortunately I saw it again a few years ago on cable and it's still fresh in my memory. I felt it hasn't aged well, and maybe it's not cheesy enough to be mocked. But it's something we should consider.

But technically wouldn't that show have 2 seasons? Tv.com lists Galactica 1980 both as a second season of the original show, and as an independent show. That's confusing. That season/show undoubtedly is a stinker.


But technically wouldn't that show have 2 seasons? Tv.com lists Galactica 1980 both as a second season of the original show, and as an independent show. That's confusing.

Yeah, but it's really more of a follow-up than the same show. I say that because as it even stated in the opening sequence of the first show, they were on a quest to find a mythical "shining planet called 'Earth.'" And the first three of ten eps of the latter are three parts of Galactica Discovers Earth.

I think I once saw a few minutes out of the middle of one of the latter show's episodes when it was on, and it was set on Earth in the "present" of when the show was made and I thought it was rather funny but cheesy to see a Cylon walk into the kitchen of a restaurant and get knocked out by the microwave. I think the staff thought "he" had a pacemaker. (For those too young to remember, in the late '70s and early '80s the microwave ovens of the time had a reputation for interfering with the cardiac pacemakers of the time. I remember just about every convenience store and cafe around had "microwave oven in use" warning signs on the doors for the benefit of pacemaker patients.)

Not really another season of the same show.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Oh, well, since IMDB lists Galactica 1980 as an independent show, let's consider it that way, though to me it isn't.

by - bob-402-252005 on Sat Jul 21 2012 10:13:12
For those too young to remember, in the late '70s and early '80s the microwave ovens of the time had a reputation for interfering with the cardiac pacemakers of the time.

For those too young to remember? Do we have any of these? I thought we were a club of grumpy old men. I remember that's how Bart Simpson proved Sideshow Bob robbed the convenience store. Krusty had a pacemaker, and according to Bart, couldn't have used the microwave to heat a hot dog.


I remember that's how Bart Simpson proved Sideshow Bob robbed the convenience store. Krusty had a pacemaker, and according to Bart, couldn't have used the microwave to heat a hot dog.

Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one. The evidence I remember is that Krusty had little "normal size" feet in those oversized clown shoes, so when somebody stepped on the middle of the shoe and the fake Krusty reacted to the pain, it had to be Sideshow Bob dressed as Krusty because only Sideshow Bob had actual feet that big. Had it been the real Krusty, he would have felt nothing because the step would have been on an empty shoe.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Yes, I did remember that. It was the foot size evidence, but in the episode they also mentioned that Krusty had a pacemaker and couldn't have used the microwave oven, and that was the part I mentioned because I found it relevant for the issue you'd raised.


I think there was other evidence of some sort, too. The foot size bit was the only one I remembered specifically. Probably should have remembered the microwave-pacemaker bit because it was the first I had heard of the meme in a number of years. I'm not sure if that still happens with current technology or not, let alone when it stopped being an issue if it did.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


For those too young to remember? Do we have any of these? I thought we were a club of grumpy old men.

I can always hope, can't I?


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


I haven't heard good things about GCB and Terra Nova, and I have the impression those are bad but not for the fun reasons.

Well, I completely missed out on all the buzz around Tera Nova so I can't really speak to what the whine was against that show. Just now looked at it's IMDB page and it seems quite interesting. I'm sorry to have missed it in my avoidance of current boob tube fare. (Or as it's devolved into by now, boob tube.)

As for GCB, a certain overly vocal subset of the "Religious Right" took offense at the thought they might "resemble that remark" in the way the more hypocritical characters were portrayed. Just too vocal a minority with too thin a skin. Probably also felt defamed by the fact that even the most exaggerated of such characters had some redeeming virtue about them. Such as the primary antagonist Carlene, (Kristen Chenoweth, who we saw in Pushing Daisies as "Itty Bitty.") despite being terribly misguided in her beliefs, still being quite devout in her faith. As illustrated in the last episode where she was ready to become a martyr for her vision of a condominium for Christians only. To the point of standing firm in the face of a credible death threat from a woman who had her tied up and had a big knife out and ready.

Obviously can't speak to Tera Nova, but I found GCB to be hilarious and thought-provoking.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


by - bob-402-252005 on Sun Jul 22 2012 07:57:47
Well, I completely missed out on all the buzz around Tera Nova so I can't really speak to what the whine was against that show.

As for GCB, a certain overly vocal subset of the "Religious Right" took offense at the thought they might "resemble that remark" in the way the more hypocritical characters were portrayed. ... Such as the primary antagonist Carlene, (Kristen Chenoweth, who we saw in Pushing Daisies as "Itty Bitty.")

Hate to be picky, but it's "Terra," not "Tera." It's the name of our planet, right? Mine, at least.

I couldn't care about the religious controversy of GCB. What bothers me is something else. I'm not going to put a spoiler tag because it's not properly a spoiler as I haven't seen the show and all I know is early impressions and empty hearsay, but if you don't want to see anything about that at all, you might just skip the next couple paragraphs.

My impression is that GCB has too many women, and seems to be a show mostly about women, and hysterical ones. I might not have the right levels of estrogen to appreciate it.

As for Terra Nova, what I heard is not enough dinosaurs, sparse quality sci-fi, and far too many annoying teenage angst stories. The producers supposedly tried to make a mix of adult sci-fi drama and "family-friendly" teenage soap and ended doing none of them right. I would be very reluctant to try it.


The two shows that stick in my mind are “The Immortal” and “Then Came Bronson” the sad part is I believe neither one is available. Too bad I really seemed to remember them as being good. But I once thought Night Gallery was good some were but most were terrible. This time I won’t mention UFO recently re-watched it on youtube there were some dudes but all in all they were pretty good better than some of the stuff we have watched. I will think on it over the next few days and see if anything comes to mind.

Does anyone else remember “Journey to the Unknown” it had that creeping theme song that still sticks in my head. I seem to remember Jane Asher might have been in one of them so you know it can’t be bad. Not sure if it ever made it to DVD.


I remember a few scenes of The Immortal (1970) with Christopher George from my childhood. I'd be curious to check that if we can ever find that show. Unlike you're talking about the other The Immortal, from 2000?

UFO would give us *plenty* to have fun and mock about, believe me. Never heard of that other one.


You just can't help yourself...you have to do it and you know what i'm talking about......I swear you won't be happy until I am gone for good.... your such a dog...... For those reading this in flat instead of nest this message is of course for wlcebtg....and he knows to what this addresses.




Watched episode one of journey to the unknown on youtube last night. It was pretty bad may try to watch a few more I seem to remember them as being good. I think it's best not for me to pick I somehow stuck in the late sixties and the seventies as far as TV goes. Agent Stone if you referring to UFO I would make you watch it they are really not that bad. You never gave it a long enough try.


"If" I'm referring to it.....If? If? You are so passive aggressive....lol You know where I stand on UFO. And you know the episode and the reason I refuse to watch it. No show should be allowed to be that stupid and watched..... No my friend, UFO will non be displaying on my light emitting diodes anytime this century.



So that other rant was just about UFO? For a moment you got me worried there, pal. Since we can't hear the tone of voice by someone's writing, I thought you were going to physically assault wlcebtg if you had a chance. Glad it was nothing.

So, in Agent Stone's honor I vote we should have a special marathon with Night Gallery, UFO and Wilfred.


Oh yes mapd, this rant goes back many years....Wlcebtg knows I could never be angry with him...he's too nice a guy but he does drive me insane with that UFO show.



by charmedwon666 6 hours ago (Sun Jul 22 2012 14:18:12)
Oh yes mapd, this rant goes back many years....Wlcebtg knows I could never be angry with him...he's too nice a guy but he does drive me insane with that UFO show.

Could've fooled me. And I thought that was a much newer issue. Well, like God, the Devil, and Bob, if UFO has been suggested several other times, I think eventually we'll have to watch it... Just saying...
