MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Discussion > I Hate Andrew Garfield With a Passion

I Hate Andrew Garfield With a Passion

Don't really know why. Maybe it's all the big roles he gets despite not being particularly talented

Perhaps it's the fact that he banged the lovely Emma Stone

Perhaps its that he wanted to include a gay interracial romance in the Amazing Spider Man franchise (for real, look it up)

Perhaps its his desperate attempts to seem woke

Perhaps it's just his stupid fucking punchable face

Who knows. But I want his career to fail so bad. I know I'm pathetic


To answer your post.

line 1 - You know why. You are jealous of his getting roles "despite not being particularly talented."
line 2 - Again - jealousy
line 3 - Never knew that, but what does that matter? Maybe he is gay. Or gay-supportive. Or maybe it was a joke?
line 4 - Woke? Got me on that one. Do not know what "woke" is. Not really up on the latest "hip" vocabulary.
line 5 - Definite hostility towards someone you only know from acting in film. Might be a really nice guy. Never did anything directly to you, I hope. But then not everyone will like everyone else. Just the way life works.
line 6 - You're not pathetic. You're human. As do all of us at one time or another, we want what others have.


But it can't just be jealousy. Ryan Gosling is handsome, rich, loved by the masses, and has a smoking hot wife. But I don't hate him. I respect his talent. I can say the same about a lot of other actors

So why do I feel this way about Andrew Garfield? I don't doubt that he's a perfectly decent person, but it's just a combination of his mediocre acting (in my view), lucky breaks, and obnoxious political efforts that rub me the wrong way


Just to make you mad, I like Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man and Peter Parker more than Tobey who was way too nerdy in my opinion. And if you take issue with that then you've not read the original comics where he flirted with girls after the spider bite and ended up dating plenty of girls. Instead in those movies he is incapable of asking a girl out. Something comics Peter was capable of even before he became Spider-Man. Garfield is better cause he's not too awkward around girls. Unlike Tobey Maguire's.
And to provide evidence...;_ylt=AwrExdnQ5tBbT2UAb0OJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBsZ29xY3ZzBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEc2xrA2J1dHRvbg--;_ylc=X1MDOTYwNjI4NTcEX3IDMgRhY3RuA2NsawRiY2sDYWxmcDN0dGQwMWpqOSUyNmIlM0QzJTI2cyUzRDhsBGNzcmNwdmlkA3pyMndiREV3TGpLcXZ5UHZXZ0RPYVFHdU5UQXVOQUFBQUFCVi5NVTcEZnIDeWZwLXQEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkA3RyWEZfcTdkUThxVWtoWHdLVzk0S0EEbXRlc3RpZANudWxsBG5fc3VnZwMxBG9yaWdpbgNpbWFnZXMuc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMyNgRxdWVyeQNQZXRlciBQYXJrZXIgYW5kIExpeiBBbGxlbgR0X3N0bXADMTU0MDQxNzM5MwR2dGVzdGlkA251bGw-?gprid=trXF_q7dQ8qUkhXwKW94KA&pvid=zr2wbDEwLjKqvyPvWgDOaQGuNTAuNAAAAABV.MU7&p=Peter+Parker+and+Liz+Allen&fr=yfp-t&




Wow, I didn't know someone found Andrew Garfield that hateable. If it was someone like Jaden Smith or Anne Hathaway i'd understand but I never found Andrew particularly lamentable. I'm just kind of indifferent to him.


Update: I don't hate Andrew Garfield anymore. I'm still pathetic tho


progress! Keep it up!


I've been rewatching all the Spider-Man movies over the past couple of weeks, and I realized (I mean, I've never watched them all in a row like that - I only watched these movies when they came out and purely for entertainment) that Andrew Garfield is actually the best actor of the three.

He is so incredibly expressive - he shows more emotion in a minute of dialogue than Toby Maguire did in a whole movie.

And in my personal opinion he is also the most attractive of the three (not to mention the tallest), and I am reading online now that of the three actors he is actually the best fit for Spider-Man from the comics.

Too bad he got the worst franchise of the three.
