god your trolling is so bad....
there were ways to make this thread in a clever way that still gets your point across
Instead you made in the worst possible way, that just SCREAMS "Hey Look I'm rating Spider-Man HC dead last, I'm even rating OLD spider-man movies no ones ever heard of ahead of it, thats How bad I think Spiderman HC is"
Thats what bothers me about you....Your not clever
thats why bothers me about all your trolling, damn near every troll thread you make, I get the idea you were going for, I see what you were aiming for, Unfortunatel you do just such a POOR job achieving it...
6:- Spider-Man (1977 film)
7:-Spider-Man Strikes Back (1978)
8:-Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge (1981)
9:-Spider:man (1978 japanese film )
If the truth was known, You probably didnt know one of or all of these ^^movies even existed....
sometime yesterday you probably stumbled across one of these films....was shocked it existed, figured like you no one else probably knows about them and Then the Trolling idea popped into your head that It would get a reaction to List all these Unknown Spider-Man film ahead of Homecoming....
but there was so many better way to get this idea across
but most all, theres were ways to make this thread that didnt SCREAM "Hey Look I'm rating A Bunch of Unknown Spider-Man film ahead of Homecoming"
Trolling is an art....again I admit you have decent ideas, You even picked a Good subject to Troll on....With The Disastrous Failures of The DCEU films and The Unprecedented success of The MCU films, theres never been a more OBLIVIOUS WINNER than Marvel Studios Beating WB/DC/DCEU, So when you troll by claiming DC is Winning or Is going to win, The pure absurdity of it cant help but to get reactions..
But unfortunately for you, you do not know how to articulate your ideas, You dont know how to be clever when trolling....Your Troll threads always come off as Obvious and Ultimately fail....
This thread could have been Great, Instead its a laughable fail