You say succinctly a lot of truth about the USA and the insanely stupid, criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Having read a number of posts made here (not all, because life's too short and most of them aren't worth the time), the ignorance of so many U.S.Americans once again becomes all too clear. Before the invasion, there were people knowledgeable about the history, politics, sociology, and culture of Iraq, who tried to talk sense, and tried to get the people in power to act responsibly and wisely, or at least not to act as stupidly as they did, but many powerful people in and out of the administration were determined to finally invade Iraq, as they'd been longing to for so long.
The whole sad story, featuring the fantastical fictions and lies of Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, and the administration's stubborn insistence on basing their (and the country's) actions on those lies, despite having plenty of warning about the probable untruth of what that man was saying--well, it all makes me sick and disgusted. It all amounts to what seems to me among the worst periods of USAmerican history. I can't even bear to think about the lives lost and ruined in all this, of so many Iraqi citizens as well as military, diplomatic, NGO and other professionals of many nationalities, for this neo-con obsession and greed. I knew that Iraq had many problems and caused its share of problems before the invasion, and Saddam Hussein and his people were pretty monstrous, but this was no way to address those issues. Even I, just a plain, non-expert citizen living in Texas, could tell that much at the time. It makes me tired and sick to think of it, and we (not just the USA) won't be past the effects of all this in many years, or probably ever.
Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.