Masturbation scene
This scene reminded me of a story a friend of mine told me about one of his friends who was still living with his parents, he was allegedly masturbating on porn one day with headphones on sitting at his desk in his room and apparently when he was finished, he turned around and saw a hot cup of tea on his night table next to the bed! His mom must have come in and put the tea there...
I hope this story is true because i found it hilarious. At least in Black Swan, the mom never noticed. How in hell does one deal with this afterwards? Ever experienced similar stories? I was lucky enough not to.
Oh yeah, another friend told me that once he woke up in the morning while his mom was closing the door on the way out. Problem was, in summer the dude sleeps buck naked and he was lying on his back without blanket but with a big boner. Breakfast must have been nice after that!
Praise the Lord i've never experienced this kind of $h!t
People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs