If Capt. Stevens really has access only to the memories of Sean Fentress then none of the actions Stevens takes in any of his missions would be possible. I.E. he would only be able to watch what Fentress and Christina Warren originally did.
So from the beginning, Stevens is going back to alternate realities. Each mission is to a different reality, possible created as branches by the missions themselves.
Dr. Rutledge and Capt. Goodwin either know this—and are lying to Capt. Stevens to keep him on task—or they are deceiving themselves, in some form of denial about what the project does in fact do.
So by the end of the film, we have:
• Reality 1 – the main body of the film, where the train does explode, and the information from Capt. Stevens does enable the authorities to stop Frost's van before it can also be set off.
• Reality 2 – Events on train altered, but not enough to save anyone or stop either bombing.
• Reality 3 – Events on train altered, but not enough to save anyone or stop either bombing.
• Reality 4 – Stevens & Warren get off train, Fentress is killed by a train, Warren lives, neither bombing is stopped.
• Reality 5 – Events on train altered, but not enough to save anyone or stop either bombing.
• Reality 6 – Events on train altered, but not enough to save anyone or stop either bombing.
• Reality 7 – Events on train altered, but not enough to save anyone or stop either bombing.
• Reality 8 – Events on train altered, but not enough to save anyone or stop either bombing.
• Reality 9 – Stevens jumps off train, Warren gets off train, Fentress & Warren shot and killed by Frost. Neither bombing is stopped.
• Reality 10 – Stevens stops Frost, preventing both bombings. He sends an e-mail to Goodwin letting her know what the project can actually do. Stevens and Warren begin a relationship, Rutledge waits for a chance to use Source Code.
So Rutledge was correct in that one cannot change the past of the reality your in/from; but he was wrong in that you can experience other realities with different outcomes.