MovieChat Forums > Source Code (2011) Discussion > I admit I liked it a lot, but 2 major pr...

I admit I liked it a lot, but 2 major problems: Blown To Bits + Parallel

1. This whole "Source Code" nonsense is just some rip-off of "Matrix" nonsense. I guess screenwriters think that so many people know so little about "programming" that the script can just reference programming & say nonsense like "oh, it's in the code". THen, people will just swallow it, "Oh yeah, it's programming. Well, duh."

Seriously people, this nonsense has nothing to do with PROGRAMMING. It is all MYSTICISM & MUMBO-JUMBO.

In this movie, there is no attempt to explain HOW they got access to Sean's brain or memory or brainwaves or whatever the ($&# it was supposed to be. No attempt.
ALso no attempt to explain how they (they couldn't, but just suppose they could) could get access in such a short time after Sean was BLOWN TO BITS.
ALso no attempt to explain how they (they couldn't, but just suppose they could) could then rig up this "source code" thingie in the short time BEFORE THE NEXT BOMB EXPLODED.
It was really stupid. No. Wait. "It's programming. Well, duh."

2. THe idea of spontaneously generating Parallel Universes is stupid. Nothing more. So, any movie that relies on the idea of spontaneously generating a Parallel Universe to have a happy ending is, well, you know.

So, given that, it is amazing that I liked this quite a bit. I guess I've just learned to write that nonsense off as "Hollywood Sci-Fi BS". Also, some movies like this seem to have an attitude that they're making classic Science Fiction when they're actually just making Hollywood sci-fi. This movie didn't seem to have that attitude. When you get right down to it, go beyond the nonsense sci-fi and the main plot was "Hey, I really want to nail this chick." So, that's a thumb-up.


To have all the data necessary to almost immediately create a model to send our hero in to your government would have to be monitoring everyone all the time which is of course ridiculous - oh wait !


"Seriously people, this nonsense has nothing to do with PROGRAMMING. It is all MYSTICISM & MUMBO-JUMBO."

I disagree. I think it is all HOGWASH & POPPYCOCKERY.


1. No matter how they explain it, it wouldn't make sense. If it did, it wouldn't be audience fiction...

The source code is Sean. His source, the code of what made Sean sea, is what they were able to connect to. We don't know what programming was used or what type of device, like I said, we would just be nitpicking that explaination if they gave it to us. All we know is that they have 8 minutes to stream with the source code. Sean somehow allowed Colter, with the use of the gizmos in that lab, to connect to his alternate realities to play out and find the bomber.

Sean was the source of the connection, thus he was what decoded their access to his body in the variety of the multiverse.

How, we don't know and never will. But they figured it out, mostly likely by accident.

2. I don't think they generally created new universes, but it was a by product of what they were doing. They send Colter to universe #3 which is identical to #2 except some big in China turned left rather than right. But when Colter inhibits Sean's body and does something different thapen what that universe was suppose to do, in a worked where mutliverses exist, then it did create a new universe because a new version of events were made.

If you can buy multiverses as a concept, this should be easy to accept.

If you accept the idea that there's an infinite amount s of universes based on the variety of choices one makes in a life time, the on every decision you make creates a new alternative. One where you left the house with a white shirt, one with a blue shirt. So Colter created new universes at the same rate everyone else does when making decisions in their life.


I know why you like this movie despite the plot holes. It's because it gives you the opportunity to detect the plot holes, write about them here at the board and show how smart you are. You are precisely like me in that matter :) I love reading this kind of posts...


The likes of Steven Hawking and Michio Kaku have said that the parallel universes thing could be real, and with brainpower like that backing it up, I'm not willing to dismiss it as stupid.

As for "it's programming," I think other posters have handled that adequately.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart

