it's called "Vicious Circle" written by Simmon Mark Aka "Bloomengine" ,
there are two version of the story, first one is an Interactive fiction published in 2001 ( the movie is 2011 .. hum hum.. )
interactive fiction database page : http://ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=abbys81jz2sigdeu
you can found it here, you will need an Z-machine interpreter ( to read the file format ).
or play it online with a javascript adaptation of the interpreter (parchment):
the author has lately adapted this interactive fiction as a more accessilbe browser interactive fiction (only using hyperlinks instead of a parser ),
"It's an experiment by the developer and a remake of a previous IF game that he had done, his attempt at having the original 'pared down to its most basic elements and interactions'. So, instead of text prompts and a lexicon of comments, we have instead hyperlinks and the player clicking through them.
It worked out surprisingly well. There's something elegant about Vicious Cycles 2011. You're apparently responsible for ensuring that a bomb does not go off [ in a train ] within that section of the time line, a task easier said than done. Donning the body of a bystander, you go about your work and are sent backwards in time into someone else's mind if you don't succeed."
the game is playable in browser on the author's website here : http://bloomengine.com/cycles/
A sequel called "The Binary" has been written for the 2011 ifcomp ( interactive fiction competition ), it's here :
" An entry in this year's Interactive Fiction Competition, The Binary will once again have you traversing the time space continuum to ensure that history remains uninterrupted. Much like the first game, The Binary doesn't go out of its way to expound on the reasons behind this. You have a job to do. That's all you need to know. In fact, it's something that your supervisor will stress upon repeatedly. Do not intefrere. Do not do more than you've been asked to do. Of course, it's up to you as to whether or not you'll listen.
Like the original, The Binary boasts of a tightly-written narrative and an interface that is even more fluid than the original. "
entry on interactive fiction database page : http://ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=gasd3wl2sj34hhyn
you can play it here : http://ifarchive.giga.or.at/if-archive/games/competition2011/web/thebinary/
or on the author's website : http://bloomengine.com/binary/