MovieChat Forums > Source Code (2011) Discussion > So, does Jake Gyllenhaal just take over ...

So, does Jake Gyllenhaal just take over some guys life?

At the end of the movie, did Colter Stevens mind take over Sean Fentress' body? Meaning that the real Sean is basically just lost... Not even dead, just... Gone, lost....

Or is it implied that Sean is now in Colter's body in the new timeline? How can Colter be in Sean's body and at the facility still. That's not a happy ending. People are right about the original ending being superior.

EDIT: Maybe they should do a sequel where all of Sean's friends and family complain about how he has changed and become estranged.


Yeah, a lot of people bring this up. Sure, the guy was originally fated to be killed on the train, so I guess the argument could be made that he's already dead, but then, if Colter left his body, one would assume that man's consciousness would return.


Or maybe the parallel universe also ends when Colter leaves Sean's body. Colter's never around to find out, and therefore neither are we.

The freeze-frame could symbolize the "creation" of an independent parallel universe that could only come into existence with Colter's death in our universe.

Bottom line, we just don't know because the movie itself doesn't know (i.e., the characters themselves weren't sure what would happen with this clearly experimental technology).


For some reason, hollywtf loves this kind of 'spiritual assault', where someone's soul is just pushed away or discarded (a soul can't be destroyed, though, because it's energy, and energy can't be destroyed - all that 'dead' is, is soul permanently removed from a given body, so only the BODY dies, soul never does)..

Look at the wonder woman 1984 movie (I refuse to capitalize the name of a movie this stupid), same kind of thing done for same, flimsy (= romantic) reasons, and done just as CASUALLY.

Casual spiritual assault seems to be part of hollyweird's agenda for some reason.

In reality, there are things like:

- OOBE (Out-of-Body-Experience)
- Astral Projection (going all the way to astral world while still having silver cord attached to the body)
- Walk-In (a soul walking into a body where someone else has already incarnated, to push the original soul away, so the original soul's silver cord is cut, and they get to go back to astral world and thus be free, while the new soul connects itself permanently to the body (until it dies, of course))
- Multiple Personalities (used to be called schizophrenia - one original soul has silver cord permanently attached, but other souls can visit the same body and control it temporarily, pushing the original soul away - I don't know if this means the aura is broken or weak, or why this can happen, but it seems to happen to some people - or should I say, to some bodies..?)

However, this hollyweird "let's sacrifice someone on the altar of injected romance"-type spiritual assault, that does _NOT_ explain anything about what happens to the original individual, and someone else takes over the body without consent - like a mixture of multiple personalities and walk-in - is very weird and it's always SO CASUAL, it boggles the mind.

This should be a BIG DEAL in the movie, people should _at_least_ ponder the ethical implications and the original soul should at least be able to FIGHT for the body.


It's not as simple as 'consciousness coming and going', as if a body is just some kind of template anyone can easily use.

There IS an original incarnator that has their silver cord and energies connected to the physical body, and everything is basically customized for them and their thought patterns, so when another soul suddenly takes over, it depends if it's a 'walk-in', in which case the original soul does NOT return (as the silver cord is cut), or if it's a 'multiple personalities', in which case the original silver cord is still connected, and the other soul is only visiting WITHOUT having the silver cord, so it can't stay in the body as easily and naturally as the original soul.

Especially if there's a fight for the body, it's not going to be easy for the 'assaulting soul'.

The reason walk-in works, is because it's prepared and it has consent. A sudden assault would not work so easily.


yeah - you should have seen the real Sean and not Colter after the frozen kiss (like you see in the mirror at the first scene).

or maybe it is now Sean's mind in the remains of Colters body in the source code box - who later is sent on mission into the body of another... so the sequel is not just about family and friend wondering about the the pieceful Sean's sudden affiliation to guns and the military -

[spoiler]Sean: But I am just a piecefull history teacher. Goodwill: What you are -ah- were - does not matter, what only matters is your mission. Sean: But I am just a piecefull history teacher. Goodwill: That is not correct. Complete your mission like a good soldier. Sean: But I am just a piecefull history teacher. Goodwill: Are you out of your mind? You do not even remember the cards? My name? What about Afghanistan - what about the quarrel with your father your deeply deeply deeply regret?? You are Colter, a soldier and by the way you are actually more dead than alive, its just part of your brain we keep functioning...
...meanwhile Sean's body married Christina... [/spoiler]


Think of abortion, it's like that...Equally moral.


Just occurred to me years later:

There was no "Sean" in the parallel universe, just Colter in Sean's body.

If that alternate reality was created when the Source Code program was run, then "Sean" never existed in it. Colter-as-Sean was created along with the parallel universe.

So there was no "Sean" for Colter to displace - just a duplicate body created with Colter's mind pre-installed.
