Best Non-Violent Scenes

I wish someone would do a youtube video with some of the great non violent scenes in the show because there definitely were a number of them throughout the show. Jaime's talk with with Brienne in the hot tub is of course one. I also loved a lot of the scenes with Aemond Targaryan... Sam had some good ones... Sir Davos and Shireen were great together. Tyrion on the stand. Any number of Tywin and Tyrion scenes... Charles Dance (Y)


I loved all the scenes when Tyrion was imprisoned falsely for killing Joffrey. The meeting with Podrick, then Jamie, then Bronn and finally Oberon Martell. The last scene with Oberon really blew me away. It was so well acted. It so deeply revealed Oberons character and motivations. It seemed expected and unexpected at the same time.


Yes that was great stuff.


Several season 1 scenes between Ned Stark and Jamie were pretty amazing with witty dialogue.

I vaguely remember one with Ned telling him his armor was beautiful and "didn't have a scratch", Jamie responded that his enemies always missed, and Ned said something like "You choose your enemies carefully." Jamie wins the brief exchange by saying, "I have a knack for it."

Some of the dialogue is so good, you know it had to have come straight from the book. Hollywood writers rarely write so elegantly.


I'm rewatching GoT, and right after I posted, saw this scene. Although it's not very serious, like so many good conversations in the early seasons were, I found the Hound to be pretty entertaining:


Arya seeing the Shakespear-style play in Bravos, and re-discovering an identity that she was losing to the Faceless Men!

That scene worked on multiple levels, it wasn't just a huge character development for Arya. It was also weirdly funny seeing Geoffrey be all good, and a brilliant use of whatever you call Shakespear's literary style, and a reminder of the chilling and far-reaching power of propaganda. There we ere was across the ocean, seeing people get the most information they'd ever had about that Rat Bastard Joffrey and it was 100% bullshit, and you just KNEW Varys had been behind the writing of the play - because it showed everyone but Arya being stuffed full of Fake News.

People who say the last few season were crap were full of it, only the last season was 100% crap.


I didn't mind season 7 that much but that's when all the last second saves started happening too often and it was pitiful to watch. Season 6 was pretty damn good though.

In regards to the OP, Not sure if you watch youtube shorts, they're similar to tiktok videos but people post movie clips and TV show clips all the time and Game Of Thrones clips are always on there. Some are the violent scene but plenty of them are just the regular scenes.

I think there is a link to just GoT clips and you can scroll them as fast as you can swipe if necessary, I mean, you can skip the violent ones pretty fast. Here's a link to shorts...

I think you can just put in 'Game Of Thrones' in the search area and it will pull up GoT clips only.


S6 had some good stuff, and I vaguely recall S7 having a moment or two worth watching... didn't the farewell-to-the-Freys scene open the season? That was a bit of awesome right there!

And BTW no, I'm not much of a youtuber. I mean I've got a complete opera playing as I type, but IMHO life is to short to watch rants and propaganda, so I never click on the links posted on moviechat.


Opera? Bohemian Rhapsody doesn't count as opera, Otter.


I was watching Verdi's "Il Travatore" as I typed, dumpling, the opera best known for being used by the Marx Brothers in "A Night At The Opera", and then youtube chose to start Bellini's rarely performed "La Somnambula".

FYI Youtube has tons of complete operas, ballets, and classical concerts, if that's what floats your boat.


I like that movie Phantom Of The Opera and Amadeus is also a great film. But thats about the extent of my knowledge on operas.

I thought for sure you were kidding about the opera thing.


I'm weird that way!

And I LOVE "Amadeus", and I love "Phantom", even though most opera fans look down on the latter. So I think your taste is excellent, and if you ever want to see whether you like real opera... YouTube is your friend.


People who say the last few season were crap were full of it, only the last season was 100% crap.

S8 E2 was amazing and one of the best episodes of the series IMO - it was the calm before the storm and had nothing but character interactions that were great. I loved the Jenny song as well.

E1 wasn't too bad either, sans Jon and Danny acting like a couple of school kids in the middle of war prep. But yes, E4, 5, 6 and esp. 7 were a let down. The Long Night was equally good and bad in different ways - the music, the overall pace, dothraki charge and dragons fighting in the sky bits were decent but the plot armor of a lot of the characters, Jon not fighting the NK and it being too dark to see anything for most part sucked.


When the Starks found the wee little pups.
