Some other stuff D&D 'kind of forgot about'
So I was just thinking today on how utterly disappointing the last season was; and I thought about a few more 'plots and topics' that were seemingly forgotten about in the last 2 season (mostly the last season). Most other points have been covered but these I think deserve mention. So here is a few more things Dan Beniof and DB Wies 'kind of forgot about' in the series' final season:
1. The existence of an entire continent (Essos). For being such a primary location in the series, once Dany left Slaver's Bay, it seemed to drop out of existence; not even getting mentioned a single time in the last 2 seasons.
2. Slaver's Bay, so what's up with Daario Naharis and the fact that with Dany and her closes advisors dead; and Grey Worm taking the unsullied on a suicide mission. What is to stop it descending into utter chaos and the slave master rising back into power? Seems like a pretty big lose end.
3. The existence of Illyrio Mopatis; I know he was mostly a background character but he spent years conspiring with Varys to put a Targaryen back on the thrones; Varys died and a Stark is on the throne; he just going to sit back and live with it?
4. The old gods and the new, Lord of light gets a cameo mention at best; considering that the religions played a key role in many of the characters' lives it is pretty amazing how they all just seemed to forget they were religious. Even Melisandre barely mentions the lord of light before dying.
5. The iron Bank. Apart from the presence (and only presence) of the 'do nothing then die' Gold Company; the Iron Bank is an after thought. Considering how screwed Westeroes and the '6' kingdoms are financially after War and famine and infrastructure and power collapse (or are we to believe that cripple boy and dwarf that everyone hates will hold it all together?); how do they intend on working out a payment plan with the iron bank? Or did the iron bank "kind of forgot" how much money they are owed.
Some of these might have been covered by others before but these were just on my mind today.