MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > If you wanna a good medieval fantasy ser...

If you wanna a good medieval fantasy series in 2019, check this one

Not kidding. First season and still airing, but writing is VERY good. After GoT "best season ever", as Emilia Clarke joked, try this:

Recommendation: DON'T read the storyline in imdb. They spoil completely the first two episodes, which have quite some unexpected twists that you don't see them coming.


[–] Keelai (3534) 2 days ago


It looks mindless. GOT made you think.

Will you please stop acting like this overrated Soap is on the same level as 2001: A Space Odyssey.


you're replying to the wrong person you moron.

And still referencing "overrated soap" operas like your other socks.

[–] Splinter88899 (8) a month ago

What magical about GoT again. Was it all the beheadings, the incest, all the boring backstabbing, the softcore sex scenes or all the shots of limp dicks after the sex scene. You know i think of GOT "Magical" dose not come to mind. More like overrated soap opera.

[–] bond998 (280) 3 days ago

Probably because its not a shitty Soap Opera.
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At least no incest or penis in this one --- but it's just a matter of time, isnt it?
