Just stop lying

All of you Dany stans saying your problem is "not with the fact that she's gone mad, but with the execution"... Just stop. The only way you'd be happy is if she'd won the throne. You don't want to admit that you rooted for an egomaniac but there was plenty of warning and even if there was more your wounded egos would have never accepted it. I'm sure the few of us that saw right through her character are perfectly fine with it.


I'm doing my damndest to lead the "It's The Execution" pack, and I'm going to post a long rant about this issue after the last episode airs. It really is the execution, because most of us saying this aren't Dany Stans, in fact, I've always regarded her as a morally ambiguous character and not all that likeable. Yes, she freed the slaves and fought the Others, but she also invaded Westeros without stopping to wonder whether Westeros was okay without a Targaryan monarch, and whether maybe her subjects would be better off without another war.

Come to think of it... has anyone ever seen a Dany Stan? I've seen plenty of Haters, but I don't think I've ever seen any fan worship or adore her.


Plenty Dany stans to be found on Twitter and Tumblr.


I know two of them in real life, Dany worshipers I mean.

Myself, I’m neither here nor there. Sometimes I like her, but she definitely isn’t perfect.


The only way you'd be happy is if she'd won the throne. You don't want to admit that you rooted for an egomaniac but there was plenty of warning and even if there was more your wounded egos would have never accepted it.

Actually, I rooted for the Night King to win the throne. There were plenty of clues that he was actually quite a nice guy. Do you see that he never speaks? That was because he's shy. He's rejected only because he's different, people even build a wall to keep him away! :-( The cold weather that surrounds him is just a metaphor of how cold and negative people are towards him, only because they fear what's different. He actually brought a lot of people back to life, but instead of thanking him, people just tried to kill him.

He's a victim of prejudice and hate. :-(


He's not much of a talker, but a pretty good singer:





I've long thought she was annoying.

"there was plenty of warning and even if there was more your wounded egos would have never accepted it."

Before the season began, I repeated the line attributed to Martin about how one character is supposed to go bad, and "Dany has always been suspect #1." After episode four, I said "The 'Mother of Dragons' looks isolated and unhinged." There were plenty of people who anticipated the Mad Queen arc, such as this Youtuber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JrpXbPc2vw

And then he dispensed rational criticisms in his review of episode five about the execution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SrRdWa5Snw

You don't want to admit that you rooted for an egomaniac but there was plenty of warning and even if there was more your wounded egos would have never accepted it. I'm sure the few of us that saw right through her character are perfectly fine with it.

Alternatively there are people who never liked her, and love seeing their world-view confirmed despite poor execution because ego. Anyone can play that facile game. Do you have anything to offer other than weak-ass ad hominems?


Actually she was never a liked character for me. The execution was off, to be fair I think its mainly due to time remaining. Actually MOST of the problems with the show this season stems from it. Epic battles shouldn't be solved in 30 minutes of 1 episode. People shouldn't be able to teleport around Westeros. Character arcs that take entire seasons to develop shouldn't be blown up in a few minutes of screen time (barring major catastrophic changes).

That doesn't let the writers off the hook. These writers fell flat trying to write for Little Finger and Varys ever since they took control, and they have moved from subtle political gestures to heavy handed tactics for all characters. And since episode one of this season, I have had that annoying feeling that I was watching writers check off boxes each and every episode, this is the most painful to me. Makes it very hard to stay in the moment of the show.


I think being put on the defensive and having her life under threat so many times during her life in Essos has created a very combative attitude in her. She has also developed a large ego that seeks to enforce her beliefs in being a "Chosen One" who is born to be a queen, and couples this with a concern about oppressed people. This makes her a person of action motivated to "save people" and assert authority over communities that apparently have suffered from abusive governments.

Does this mean that she is a tyrant? She has shown a proclivity to extremism by creating significant levels of violence to achieve ends. The one thing in this that doesn't sit too well is the role of the dragon/s - they may be her "children" and are loyal to her helping in campaigns, but they are clearly violent beasts who willingly destroy anything and on a large scale. There is little that is sympathetic about them. Can we really ignore the threat of such a beast as Drogon and what this symbolises about Dany and her objectives?


Not true. I wanted Jon on the throne, yet I also can't abide the nonsensical treatment of Dany by the writers. It's not believable to me that she would have gone full dark side that quickly.
