MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Dragon plot armor varies with each episo...

Dragon plot armor varies with each episode

One dragon can muster enough fire to take down King's landing, but 3 dragons can't wipe out a bunch of zombies north of the wall.


Apparently Drogon works better alone.


Don't forget the super-magical arrows anti-dragon. One single arrow shot from a ballista, a weapon slow to adjust and aim, mounted in a ship, which is not exactly a static base, can shot down a dragon in mid flight just seconds after it enters the visual field.


I guess the ballistas in King's landing didn't have the super-magical arrows as dozens of ballistas missed a dragon flying right over them.


I will also add that suddenly dragon fire tears down buildings with ease, but can't cut through some running zombies with much success. Yes it worked on them, but it wasn't nearly as devastating to the white walkers as it should have been!


Nah, she was just holding back LOL. You see, it was only their lives at stake during the Long Night, no reason to go full Targaryen there. When it comes to innocent civilians and shit, burn these fuckers till there's nothing left. LOLOLOLO


Look, it's my future home (palace) that I've been entitled to... I mean dreaming of, since the beginning of my series! Better go full Targ there and burn it down for good measure!!!


Night King's armies were a supernatural force, heck Night King tossed a spear into Viserion without a ballistae, King's Landing was old and ripe for destruction, as we saw in the wildfire explosion just a couple seasons ago, and Cersei ignored the Lesson of Harrenhal.

Apparently dragon fire is much less effective during blizzard conditions, but still quite effective when it needs to be.

At this point I'm ready for Bran to state "there must always be a Night King" completely stealing the line from Blizzard Entertainment's Wrath of the Lich King death of Arthas Menethil event.


I haven't kept up with the theories but for me it seems there's an opening for Arya and Gendry to inherit the throne after Jon and Dany kill each other in a lover's spat.

I'm thinking Bran may turn out to be a new Night King as he foresaw his own future thus his nonchalant reaction to the Night King approaching him. He knew Arya would kill him.
