Like I said on an earlier thread, the zombies were unarmed, some of them aren't very agile, others would be on the verge of falling apart, and they'd be greatly outnumbered by the humans. A hundred thousand of them are unstoppable, but individually they aren't as dangerous as a human knight. Humans who'd brought steel swords, kitchen knives, or pitchforks in case of emergency could hack them to twitching bits, and if I was down there and had my good cleaver that can joint a frozen turkey, I'd have it out and be doing my damndest to go out fighting rather than cowering.
Of course Tyrion and Sansa couldn't put up much of a fight against knights or trained fighting men, but against the well-aged and outnumbered dead of the Stark crypt, they'd have a decent chance if others backed them up and Sansa figured out how to use that knife sooner rather than later.