MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Thoughts on the S8 trailer?

Thoughts on the S8 trailer?

Seems to me more talking and running then taking final stand. I heard the episodes will be longer but the number of episodes will be shorter. I just hope the ending won't disappoint.


Looks pretty cool to me..
Of course they won't show anything important..

They leave showing everything important for films. That's why I seldom watch film trailers.


Which is a change from movie trailers which pretty much show the whole movie. :)


I's so stupid..
Whoever is in charge of putting those together should be fired.


There's a guy holding what looks like a flaming sword, someone whose face I couldn't make out, but who other people tell me is Berek Dondarrion.

WTF - is BEREK of all people Azor Ahai reborn, not Jon?


My jury is still out on who actually is AA reborn -- I really want it to be Jon, but that seems too pat and simple for Martin to do. It could be Beric, for all we know. do know that the dude has had a flaming sword for years...right?

I'm curious where he, Tormund and Ed are in that brief scene. There's been a suggestion online that they're at the Night Fort, and I REALLY HOPE that they bring more of that history in, given how important the Walkers are going to be this season.


Well, Stannis had a flaming sword, so someone holding a flaming sword doesn't necessarily make them Azor Ahai Reborn... or does it? There's something damn mysterious and portentous about Berek's immortality, he has A Purpose.

Although Dany definitely seems to be The Prince(ess) That Was Promised.
