MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Can anyone ride ice dragons?

Can anyone ride ice dragons?

There are strict rules for riding regular dragons - one has to have a Targaryen blood. But in the latest episode we saw that Night King rode a dragon he converted into a wight without a problem. I'm wondering if any of the White Walkers can ride that dragon now, or only Night's King can ride it, or maybe Night's King had Targaryen blood when he was alive, which allows him to ride a dragon.

Could it be that when dragon died, regular magic connected to dragons disappeared, and anyone dead or alive can ride him now?


I think only the Night King can ride Viserion (who is not an ice dragon, just an undead one), because he was the one who killed and resurrected the poor dragon.


Books mention ice dragons, right? That's why I called him that, but apparently that's not the same thing (I haven't read the books). Maybe I should change the title to "wight dragon" or "undead dragon".

The main reason I'm asking this is cause I'm curious what happens if WW kill another dragon. Who is entitled to ride the second one?


There was a seperate short story called "The Ice Dragon", which was technically a children's book and it's not quite clear whether it was set in Westeros or not. That ice dragon brought the cold, like WW, and IIRC was actually made of ice and melted when the winter was over.

I believe whoever turns the dragon can ride it.


That makes sense. In that case, WW will have to be careful that someone other than Night's King converts the second dragon.

On a different note, Night's King can fly to King's Landing in an instant now, if he chooses to. I'd like to see Cersei's face if that happens and she realizes that North is not a buffer zone between WW army and King's Landing after all.


Ooh. Good point. I have a feeling he'll stay with his army, though. Maybe a quick ride over the Seven Kingdoms to strike fear into the hearts of men, but then he needs to lead his army.


The Night King can control and therefore ride any dead thing he raises. In resl life, you wanna ride something dead you go to jail as a pervert.


Sick! But hilarious!

Anyway, IMHO only the Night's King will ever ride the ice dragon. Not just because he turned it, it's a status king. Does a king let underlings ride the best warhorse or elephant in the entire kingdom? Heck no! It's what makes him look like a king!


What I wonder is, how can a dead dragon fly with holes in its wings? It's not very aerodynamic.

Anyway, as you said, I think that the rules no longer apply when the dragon dies. But maybe how the dragon died /killed by the Night King's ice spear/ and got resurrected now connects it to the NK's magic, thus allowing him to ride it.

Also, was it just me, or did the dragon's fire seem more powerful now? It was like an uber gas jet.


Yeah ... aerodynamics ... good point.
So ... to kill that dragon they need a new Bronn's giant crossbow with a dragon-glass head.
Seems like the world is biased in favor of evil!


I was wondering the same thing. Those holes seemed small though, so I gave producers a pass. But if they become bigger the dragon might become unflyable.


NOW you worry about the aerodynamics of dragons? They're the size of office buildings now, but heavier because office buildings are mostly empty space, and for something that massive to fly you basically need the engine from a moon rocket, not a pair of wings.

There's an enchanting book called "Guards, Guards" by Terry Pratchett, that includes some interesting discussions of the physics of dragon flight, and came to the conclusion that it's totally impossible. If massive full-grown dragons can fly, they're powered by magic, and holes in the wings shouldn't make much difference.


I don't worry, I wonder. But way to over blow a silly little observation, some might even say a joke.

Aren't office buildings made out of concrete and steel? How much heavier are the dragon's bones and organs? I mean, there are hollow concrete blocks the size of a small dog, but the dog isn't heavier just because it was less empty space.

In any case, yes, they are magic, and magic can make anything possible.


who cares .... they will just do whatever the do, trying to predict it is silly.


Which is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because we never know what to expect next which keeps us on the edge of our seats, and bad because more and more often we can kiss logic good-bye.
