MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > A Rant on THAT SCENE (of S7E6)

A Rant on THAT SCENE (of S7E6)

If you didn't guess, I'm talking about the scene where the Night King killed Viscerion and brought him back as an ice dragon. There is so much wrong with this. It pissed me off so much that I'm giving it a whole thread rather than simply a section in my normal Thoughts/Questions thread, which I will still post. Here goes.

1. Tyrion can't ride a dragon now. He's always been fascinated with dragons. He freed Rhaegal and Viscerion in Mereen and touched them. How can that not lead to riding one of them?!He made the special saddle for Bran back in Season 1, he could make a special saddle for himself to ride a dragon. You could argue that he could share Rhaegal with Jon, but a dragon bond is special and personal.

2. If Tyrion can't ride a dragon, the 3 Heads of the Dragon can't happen. The Targaryen sigil is a red dragon with 3 heads. This was a big thing in the books, even if the show glossed over it. Rhaegal worked hard to make the prophesy come true, but he died before it could bear fruit. Tyrion, Dany, and Jon could have been the new 3 Heads of the Dragon, but losing a dragon loses a head.

3. Fire melts ice. It follows that magic fire (dragonfire) melts magic ice (White Walkers). So the Night King should not have been able to walk through the flames nor kill Viscerion with a magic ice spear. He and the spear should have melted.

4. Let me just say here that I have no problems with an ice dragon, just the fact that a fire dragon becomes an ice dragon. The Ice Dragon could have come from within the Wall, or from the pool at Winterfell which was always cold. Or maybe it could have been a fire dragon, but after Dany, Jon, and Tyrion ride together and not killed by ice.

All said and done, it was an emotional scene. I gasped, I was on the edge of the seat. But it still pissed me off.


Crazy theory, not based on anything I've read but spoiler protection all the same:

[spoiler]Maybe Ghost is part dragon and his wings and fire breathing have been developing off-screen for the last season that he has been m.i.a. Or maybe just the fire-breathing part. If he has grown as much as Nymeria, Jon could ride him like a horse into battle. Super unlikely, but he is Jon's direwolf, and Jon is the son of both ice (Lyanna) and fire (Rhaegar). And he does have red eyes.[/spoiler]


Not following the whole dragon-direwolf-thing, but Ghost could be big enough to ride by now, lol.


I would drive that to work every f'ing day forever


Tbh I don't want Tyrion to ride a dragon or to be a Targaryen. I want him to be the last of the main Lannister House and like the original Lannister, ushers in a new era for his family as a Lannister, not as a Targaryen. Also I was never excited with the idea of finding 3 people to ride a dragon. And with how they rescued the remaining Snow party, riding a dragon is just not as special as we all made it out to be.


He doesn't necessarily need to be a Targaryen in order to ride a dragon, but it would make sense.

As to multiple people riding the same dragon, that isn't the samd as having a dragon all to yourself.


I know but on a story telling POV, if they wanted the dragon riders to be epic or special, it depreciated it when they did that scene.

And if non Targaryens can ride and control dragons, then again it doesn't make it any more special (it's not blood magic). Unless magic or something extraordinarily supernatural is involved like the Night King and the white dragon or Bran warging into one, but even the latter is hohum for me to be honest.


/the 3 Heads of the Dragon can't happen. The Targaryen sigil is a red dragon with 3 heads. This was a big thing in the books, even if the show glossed over it. Rhaegal worked hard to make the prophesy come true, but he died before it could bear fruit./

I really wish the show would have used this instead of killing Viserion for the sake of showing how bad ass the Night King is.


Yes! I'm not the only one!


I don't think "three heads of the dragon" means "three dragons".

Remember that some individual Targaryens call themselves "the dragon". There was a scene a few seasons back where Barristan Selmy was telling Dany about Rhaegar and called him "the last dragon"; Dany corrected him and said "I'm the last dragon". So "three heads" could mean the three last Targaryens who can rightly call themselves "a dragon" because of their affinity with actual dragons. And we've seen dragon bonding moments with Tyrion, Jon and (obviously) Dany.


Maybe youre onto smthg...
I have assumed that Dany, Jon and another certain someone would be the 'riders...
Good thoughts Tex!


Fire melts ice, but ice water douses fire... ;)

Dragons seem to be biological so maybe that his entry point to controlling dragons.


Meh. I guess. Still annoyed me, though.


It pisses me off that everybody ignore the Night King being there taking his sweet time to throw a javelin. Couldn't anyone shout at Dany to target the white walkers and not the wights?


I've never been one to mention bad writing, but this was it for me. Badass all it was, I was like screaming at the tv .....kill the crowned one!!!!! The entire scene......and when every single thing halted at the dragon falling to the ground, I I get that they needed a dramatic element to it, but I doubt the wights stopped attacking to watch the dragon fall. And where was Rheagal? They never showed him only saw one dragon


I just saw it again and I'm pretty sure there was no shot that showed all 3 dragons. It was damn confusing.


I think there were a few brief ones. When she left Dragonstone and then when she first arrived at the battle. But yeah, it was confusing.


Yeah, that would have been helpful. But seeing how he walked through the fire, I don't know of it would have worked. It should have.


I really disliked when he walked right over it....what the heck? And with three dragons they really should have been able to wipe those things right out when she arrived.


Urgh. I know! He should have been dripping at least, if not completely melted. But my dad said that the Night King brought a burst of cold with him to put out the fire by robbing it of heat, which I guess almost makes sense.

The dragons definitely should have targeted the White Walkers.


The Night King could be the 3rd dragon rider.
