MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > So Dany can't have anymore Children?

So Dany can't have anymore Children?

She said as much while lamenting the loss of her dragon, I never knew she was infertile after her dead baby with Drogo.

so this means the Targaryens are basically extinct (Jon is one but not officially)


Jon is a Targaryen officially. If you recall Gilly's line about Rhaegar getting an annulment and then marrying Jon's mother in a private ceremony. He's legit.


yeah what I meant to say nobody knows about him except Gilly, not sure Sam was even paying attention lol


Bran and Howlin Rheed know but probably don't have proof.


I forgot about Bran knowing everything. He will probably tell Jon and then Sam/Gilly will come to winterfell with written proof.


It will be tough to prove. Cersei tears up paper she doesn't like. They'll call it an elaborate scheme. Maybe the Citadel can verify it somehow.


'Sam was not paying attention'
Lol i get yelled at by wifey all the time for not listening ... Cant say i blame Sam cuz the ladies do seem to run on and on...


But the women never forget so Gilly will throw it in his face at the most embarrassing moment for Sam


Lol yup
If you ever met my wife she'd be happy to tell you how i was a drunken dickhead at her brothers wedding:)


I never knew she was infertile after her dead baby with Drogo.

Me, neither. Were we told that? Did I forget?


It was in season 1 with the witch.

The Targaryen can still continue with Jon as long as he weds someone and has children with someone other than Dany. Or I like the way Dune handled it, 2 wives for Jon, a Targaryen custom.


Yeah that Witchy-woman did some magic to make Dany infertile because she was very rightfully pissed about the Dothraki rape-antics after battles...i think her clan were called 'sheep people' in the books and were frequently accosted and abused by the Dothraki hordes
Cant say i blame her but was all pretty f'd up


Mirri whatever her name was, the one who brought Drogo back as a vegetable, said that Dany would bear children when the sun set in the east or something along those lines. So basically, Mirri cursed Dany to infertility.


I'm suspicious of the idea that it was a poetic way of telling Dany she would never bear children. I think it was a literal prophecy.


I don't remember the exact details of that scene, tbh. Are you saying that you still think she's infertile?


No, I think she will get pregnant at the end of the series and that the "rises in the west and sets in the east" thing is related to some event that happens in the course of defeating the Night King.


Ah. Cool. It's possible.


I assumed she was def not fertile anymore because of that 'sheep-woman' and her tricky magic...but not a bad spin on things if youre right.


That's what I thought as well.. the way it was worded for some reason suggested that it wasn't going to be a forever situation. She said she could never have children or Khan Drogo until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.


The witch in season one, who brought back Drogo cursed her - or rather, made this prophecy:
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas dry out and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves, when your womb quickens again and you bear a living child"

- Which, maybe the mountains blowing could mean snow blowing of the mountains? Seas drying out - freezing over? I have no idea, but the sun one became true in the books in a story arc that was never used in the show, no idea how they will handle this.


She might be able to have children again, now that one of the dragons died.
