MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Why did they need Gendry?

Why did they need Gendry?

Seems like oops we didnt know what to do with him.....fuck it lets just let him gang up with jon snows special celebrity spec ops in the north.


maybe he would turns out to be the prince that was promised


That would be such a let down.


When Davos went to get him, I assumed Daenerys was going to offer him Storm's End as the son of Robert Baratheon. But yeah, seems like they didn't have an actual plan for him. Certainly nobody knew of his expertise with a war hammer beforehand. They didn't ask him to use his skill as a blacksmith to forge weapons out of dragonglass. It was just... kinda random.


I assume that there's no big plan for him, just that Davos thinks it might be useful to have a Baratheon of sorts in Danerys's camp. There don't seem to be any real Baratheons left, and if the lad shows promise than someday perhaps they could use him to hold the Baratheon lands. Danerys could even legitimize him, if she becomes queen and he looks like he could do the job she wants done!

And if none of that works out, at least they've got a good smith around. Why not look him up as long as you're in the neighborhood.


It is a bit of a shame because they made him out to be kind of pivotal (maybe he is in the books, not read that far yet) and he seems to have ended up being just a bit of muscle... I do think they're using him to draw parallels between Roberts rebellion and showing that it's history repeating with the descendants working together.


He hasn't done anything pivotal in the books any more than he has on the show, but there's a good chance he will. I mean, if there's ever a chance to do something really heroic it's when some idiot "king" decides it's a great idea to take a few pals and wander into an army of zombies!


Very true!


Gendry's definitely going to do something heroic in battle, and pretty soon. You know why?

Because he turned down the offer of a sword and said he'd rather just carry a hammer. Which makes sense, he was never trained in swordplay but he's a smith and knows how to swing a hammer, but his father Robert Baratheon also used a "giant war-hammer" in battle instead of a sword. A rare weapon, and only useful when wielded by the strongest men, but unstoppable when used correctly. Yeah, heroism in battle coming right up.



Maybe she's collecting Great Houses. Her group already includes (either directly or via potential alliance)

- Targaryen
- Lannister
- Greyjoy
- Stark

If she gets Baratheon via Gendry, she only needs

- Arryn
- Tully

and potentially Frey and Martell (house statuses currently uncertain) to complete the set and have all Great Houses somehow represented under on ruler.


His rowing skills will be the key to defeating the night king.


He's got king's blood.


Yeah, it was pretty random. Does not make sense that Davos would be thinking about evacuating Gendry from KL at that point.


Hmm, Davos liked Gendry a lot, and he is a caring man.
So in my opinion, it does make sense to get him out of KL, because Davos probably doesn’t get the chance to visit KL again before they start the attack (at that point, he had to assume that they’ll attack soon).


I guess my answer to your question is that he wanted to come. From what I know, he's a blacksmith so he's supposed to help with the weapons made from the dragon glass they found.


I don't see how that will make any difference. Flint-knapping is a totally different skill than forging steel, and that's essentially the same technique that one would use to make blades and spearheads out of obsidian. Gendry shouldn't be any better at it than he is at basket weaving or shoe making.


Reforging Valyrian (sp?) steel could come into it also. I don't know that he has quite the expertise you're supposed to need to work with it, but that's a possibility in terms of wight weapons.


Valyrian steel weapons could definitely play a role in the fight against the WW. Right now there's a bunch of them in play:

Arya's dagger
Jon Snow's sword Longclaw
Sam Tarly's sword Heartsbane
Jaime Lannister's sword Widow's Wail
Brienne's sword Oathkeeper

At least some of these are going to be pretty handy when those wights get around the Wall!


Those weapons, dragons, and dragonglass will certainly be great weapons for any upcoming fight.

In terms of Gendry's smithing abilities, that's always good to have on hand, but my understanding specifically in regards to Valyrian steel is that you have to be uber talented and with a ton of experience to be able to reforge it. However! Since it was Tobho Mott who did that with Ice, to create Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper, and Mott was Gendry's master, there's a reasonable trail of breadcrumbs to indicate Gendry might be able to work with Valyrian steel.


»Since it was Tobho Mott who did that with Ice, to create Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper«

Was it?
I could have sworn Tywin said something about a blacksmith that was shipped in from Braavos or something like that…


I confess I didn't go back to earlier episodes but did an online search, but that's what I found:


Meanwhile, I did some research myself…
As far as I remember, we saw the blacksmith at work but his face wasn’t shown. Couldn’t check my BluRay edition because I loaned it to my brother. So I found out which episode it was, and then downloaded a subtitle file…

Tywin says:
»There are three living smiths who know how to rework Valyrian steel. The finest of them was in Volantis. Came here to King's Landing at my invitation.«

So it seems we both are right! :-)
You are right according to the books, and me according to the show. (Well, except that it’s Volantis, not Braavos.)


Yay! How often do we both get to be right on the same thing, especially on the internet? LOL

So now we just get to wait and watch to see if any of Gendry's smithing potential actually gets utilized. :-)


That could be it. I think the inability to create Valyrian steel was due to a lack of dragonfire, which is no longer an issue.


They should have had an episode where you see what happened to gendry and give him some context.


So he could run back to the wall and send the ravens for Dany's help )))
