MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Upcoming "Strak Slaughter.v2"

Upcoming "Strak Slaughter.v2"

The more this man littlefinger staying around the more it will be confirmed.
It's a irony, elite-mythical-class assassin and everything-know-at-the-same-time like goddish powered raven couldn't detect the Gradmaster of this Game of thrones. Huh!?
After seeing the certain secene of sansa, i know that she is dead already, Just little curious with other two or without. Thats it.


LF had better haul ass out of there, it's only a matter of time before Arya asks Sansa and Bran what he's doing there.

He could be taking over the Riverlands right now, why is he not moving into a power vaccuum of that magnitude?


I think he's going to hang around a little too long this time. If he were as smart as he has been shown to be...he should get the hell out of there. The Stark kids have been through too much and now one of them is a deadly assassin and the other has visions of what people have done in their past and can see what they're doing now without even moving. The man is as good as dead if he hangs in Winterfell.


It's hard to decipher your post but it seems like you're saying the Starks will be killed and littlefinger will somehow mastermind it. How? No one trusts him. Let's pretend he in some highly unlikely scenario managed to kill one of them. What possible advantage would it give him? He would be killed immediately.

What scene let you know Sansa was dead already? You need to rewatch it sober.


LF never cut someones throat with his own hands & that is the cause he is still alive and most dangerous player of the game. He was never been trusted in past too but No one never saw him coming though. Now in winterfell he feels like one of his most downward point at the whole TV series time and everybody talk about his death. Player like him will be dead in so easy & cliche way thats not gonna happen. In the recent stand of this series it my be expected but who doesn't know that GOT always came with surprises!!
During the training fight of Arya i have seen some kind of jealousy and disturbance in sansa's eyes. LF saw that and defenitely capitalized it in future, thats he always did. Somehow i admire this man for cunningness. :P


Ned Stark said how he doesn't like to fight in tournaments because he doesn't want his enemies to learn his moves. Arya never heard that bit of wisdom, but in her defense perhaps she felt safe at home practicing infront of Sansa and LF. I agree people shouldn't write off LF so easily. Watch him get Meera's family to break their oath to house Stark and end up killing at least one of the 3 Stark children. Perhaps Bran after he sends a raven to Jon telling him who his parents were.


Thats the exactly what I'm try to say. Arya's little show off make him more cautious and he now understand he is surrounded by two or more superficial enemies. Now Sansa mybe depressed deep inside because of no speciality in her and all her life she traded as a royal prostitute here and there, except LF teasing her constantly "command suits you" type inception. I can clearly see the power struggle between her and jon snow wich will be crafted by LF.



Not all of them, i saw something in sansa during the training scenes of arya; jealousy. LF now may be find her penetrable. ;)



Not yet, the spoiler that I saw showed the littler finger was actually kicking asses. All three starks were dumber than him and got played by him big time. May be you were watching a different spoiler than the reset of us.

actual spoiler alert:
Stark slaughter v2 is coming up sooner than we think, and this time, there will be no more Starks left to linger around.


Littlefinger is too much to handle for any stark family members or combined. Starks are the glorious/honorable fools, and they probed it every decades.
One more thing, Littlefinger will be more better king (except tyrion) then anyone else now playing the game of thrones. Rise of a king from common folk is good for kingdom and this is the better evolution of the civilization. Its lead to the future; Democracy.


Littlefinger has been overconfident..just as you are of his abilities..
Now his hand will play out..
Sansa knows this man, Bran knows this man...and Arya already wants to kill this man. The Starks are a little different these days in case you haven't noticed..
You're daydreaming.
Littlefinger's not ruling anything. He's done for.



Sansa and Bran aren't playing the way Littlefinger wants and Jon is too straight forward. None are biting with his questioning with regards to what they want so his usual tactics are falling a bit flat at the mo.

Bran isn't letting himself be used as a tool to split the Northern houses as he corrects anyone who tells him he is Lord Stark so should be in charge of Winterfell. Sansa has been burnt by littlefinger and is smart enough to know that letting him roam is more dangerous than tolerating his pawing at her side. Jon, his family his his weak link but he doesn't seem to want power for himself and if anything would just rather be somewhere else if it wasn't for his willingness to stand by his duty which doesn't help LF.

Arya on the other hand does have wants and she won't shut her mouth about her stupid list. Arya is the weak link right now out of the Starks.


Strak? Proofread, much?


What has that to do with me?


Not a thing. Clearly aimed at the OP. Grow a thicker skin. Sometimes posts, through no intent of the poster, don't wind up right under the post to which they're replying.


I asked a question, I wasn't whining. You don't have to get defensive about it.


I like the name fishpan

We all try to come up with illustrative usernames...but there could be something to say for something like fishpan, door handle, binder tab, charger cord, etc. : )



It was easier and Basics never truly go out of fashion!


Do you enjoy fishing and/or cooking fish?


Cooking hence the pan :)


They catch em. You cook em.


Depends on the 'they'.

Come on you have to have standards :P


The big question is who will control the Eyrie forces in the north after Littlefinger is dealt with? Will they flee to the south to tell little Robin that his step-dad is dead or will they remain up north with Sansa?


Lord Yohn Royce is in the North and he hates Littlefinger and we've seen him take orders from Sansa.

So as long as he is there and thinks Littlefinger was dealt with in good faith and not as a powerplay against the Vale I doubt that the Knights of the Vale would automatically go back down South unless they hear that the Vale itself being in danger. They know about the army of the dead which an experienced Lord would take as more important than the grief of a infantilised teenager.

Plus from what we saw of Robyn, Lady Waynwood is more than capable of picking that boy up skelping him on his arse to get him to behave in the best interests of the Vale especially seeing how Littlefinger has been glued to Sansa's side since the battle of the bastards and not whispering to the boy in the Vale.


Anyone who can understand this post deserves a reward of some kind
