Amazing episode!
Gave me chills! Loved it!
shareI saw the leak but watched tonight because I wanted to see it full on my large screen. It was more than impressive, it was absolutely amazing. This show is unlike anything on television right now. I don't think there will be anything else like it again.
shareI so agree. We'll probably never see anything like this show again. Just amazing and tonight's show is why I fell in love with the show! I've been waiting on that a long time!
shareThe last two seasons have been incredible. It's like I'm seeing the show I wanted from my head projected onto my television. That scene where Drogon came out of that cloud bank was awesome. The scene where he was strafing the carts and horses, then when Dany brought him to bear on Bronn at the ballista....... Then that part at the end....... What is there to say?
shareAgreed again! I'm just speechless about what I just saw! Probably one of the best episodes of the entire show! I'll never forget it!
shareThis is one of the best episodes of television PERIOD! And I agree on the speechlessness. I was sitting and said nothing the entire part of the battle.
shareYep...I was glued to the entire thing! I had even read the spoilers and knew what was coming and I was still just as surprised. When the Lannister army heard the Dothraki coming...I just thought, "OMG...they're fucked." Wow!
shareThat scene reminded me of what I read in some history books about the Australian Maori tribes who would make that same sound when they'd be on the attack. Not to forget about the Mongol hordes who would use that same method when they'd ride in for the attack. Loved Jaime's response when Drogon came out of the cloud bank.
shareI felt so bad for Jaime...he's clearly on the wrong side here. You could see defeat all over his face.
share"Defeat" is not the expression I'd use for Jaime. He was clearly ready and willing to go against Drogon. All I could think of was that page in the Book of Knights where Joffrey was chiding him that his page had very little written on it. Jaime will be the only Knight to have gone up against a dragon. Oh to see the expression on that little shit Joffrey's face at that.
shareOh hell yeah! lol I forgot about that! He certainly did add to that page in this episode didn't he! Hell yeah! Nice memory!
shareNot alot about this show that has escaped me. That scene particularly sticks in my mind because of how snotty Joffs was and the witty retort from Jaime.
shareWell that makes me even happier remembering that episode now...after tonight's.
shareMakes me happy that when Jaime is dead, someone will write of his accomplishments and I hope that is Brienne. But going head-to-head with a dragon......
shareSame here, I loved it. Great comeback for Daenerys after her setbacks. That was an incredible scene.
shareOh absolutely! She gave me chills when she commanded Drogon to spread fire on them! OMG! Amazing!
shareIt was so cool finally seeing the dragons (well, one of them, but still) in combat. I mean I know we've seen them do a few things but this was the first real battle. And it was awesome.
shareIndeed! We got to see what those dragons could really do!
shareI could not believe the entirety of that scene. From the time Bronn heard the horde coming to the point where Jaime picked up the pike to ride toward Dany and Drogon....... Just incredible.
shareAnd let's not forget Tyrion's reaction to that entire scene! He still loves his brother.
shareYeah, but what did he say "to" Jaime as Jaime made his run toward Dany and Drogon?
shareI hate it...and I know Tyrion is usually so wise, but I believe Lady Olenna was right in how Dany should handle this. Tyrion sat there looking at the battle as if it was all wrong...but what Dany did was right if you ask me. She's a dragon queen...BE a dragon queen!
shareTyrion really should have sat this one out. He really has a conundrum on his hands. He as all "okay" when it was just the regular soldiers, though he was still conflicted. But when he saw Jaime on the field about to make his run at Dany/Drogon, Tyrion suddenly had the realism of his conflict of interest right in front of him. Olenna was right, though when has she ever been wrong, Dany did have to show rather than tell. While I also agree with Jon's view of things, Dany is "Stormborn" and all that implies.
shareI agree again. It was time, long over due actually for Dany to show her strength. Sitting out around with "clever plans" was not the way to do it. Yes, Lady Olenna was very right about that.
shareThing is while she was in Essos she could have been a little more temperate. Now that she's "part of the great game" as Tyrion said, she needs to come at Cersei hard and fast just as Jon is going to have to do that North of the Wall.
shareAgreed. And I want to see her do that with Cersei as well. Unfortunately I think the threat in the north is going to take a priority over that.
shareDo you honestly think that Cersei is going to care about what is happening North of the Wall? She wants what she wants and I'm hoping Jaime finally decides he's had enough of her and abandons her.
shareNo Cersei won't care...Dany will though and that's what I'm saying...Dany will put the threat in the north as priority instead of outright coming at Cersei.
shareAnd I will add...that one huge regret I have about last night's episode is that Cersei didn't get to see her army and her money destroyed.
shareOnly Cersei's army was destroyed. I guess you didn't hear the part at the beginning of the episode where Lord Tarley said the gold was safely behind King's Landing's gates, as was the majority of the soldiers. The ones who were left were the thinly spread stragglers. That's why Tarley was saying to Jaime and Bronn about "getting the whip" into them. More or less getting them going quicker. As for the threat to the North, Dany is far, far more level headed than Cersei. As Cersei looses she'll become more and more unbalanced.
sharePretty sure most of their spoils were destroyed too. That was shown in the scene where Jaime hands Bronn that gold. So yeah...their spoils went too. The episode was titled "The Spoils of War."
shareNope. The gold survived. Some time has passed between the time of the sacking of Highgarden to the part where Dany attacks with Drogon. In the beginning of the scene Lord Tarley rides up to Jaime and tells him, "All the gold's safely through the gates at King's Landing." There were many wagons with grain pilfered from the graineries at Highgarden and the surrounding farms. But the gold is safe at King's Landing. Also most of the troops are safe behind the gates. The "Spoils of War" are the ones Jaime/Cersei gathered from their sacking of Highgarden.
Tarley also said, "We need to get the rest of these wagons over the Blackwater Rush before nightfall. If the tail is ambushed, no time to get reinforcements." So these were the last of the Lannister/Tarley troops to go. The stragglers.
It was pretty good when Brienne and Aria were having their little duel. And then the battle happened. It was both exciting and horrific! They've made up for all those other battles this season, that came out of nowhere, or were glossed over in minutes.
shareBest episode yet. Amazing in every way. Dany's conquest of Westeros begins. All will bend the knee before the true queen and heir to the iron throne.