Dothraki Horde vs Westeros mounted Kinght army
What chances do you think the Dothraki horde have against a fully armed-highly professional-loyal to death-head to toe armored-disciplined-acted by battle formations-Shielded westeros kinght army??
In my opinion, dothraki horde will lose the battle. I know they are savage-fearsome-superior fighter than any westeros fighter if our measurements on head to head. But westeros kinghts are team men. If we flashback to our human history, we saw the romans/greeks were triumphed over so many savage/more force strength/fearsome armies because of their better military plans and battle formations. So, 45000-50000 westeros kinght would be enough for bashing the dothraki horde.
There is opposite historical example too, Look at the Triumphs of Ghengish Khan and his Mongolian horde over the whole world in 11-12 centuries.
My bet on Westeros Kinghts. Protecting motherland from forigen invaders will giving them extra edge.
**please no spoilers or book references
**lets not add the dragons/giants/WW other mythical creatures in this head to head count.