Where is Ghost?

Seriously? would it have killed them to do at least 1 CGI scene per season?


or at least mention him, you would think Jon would have taken him to Dragonstone even if just for show.


Jon knew that he quite possibly wouldn’t return to Winterfell.
So to me, it does seem more logical to leave Ghost at home to protect Sansa.

… while of course, in truth Ghost probably didn’t come along for budgetary reasons.


I would have left him behind too
Im also not even sure how a gigantic wolf would fare on a boat lol


Well Ghost got a mention in episode 5. Apparently he's hanging around Winterfell waiting for Jon to come back.


when did this happen?


When Sansa and Arya were arguing about how to run the North while Jon was gone and what to do if he doesn't come back. Sansa said she isn't going to wait around like Ghost for him to come back.


The dragons aren't enough?
