MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Just started watching Season 1

Just started watching Season 1

Finally gave in over the weekend and starting binge watching. Through the 3rd episode. Pretty good so far, but not the earth shattering experience I was told to expect. I like the dwarf, he's very wise. I'm thinking the plot is ramping up at this point (the King's hand knows that one of the king's underlings tried to murder his wife and kid). I think the wall is pretty cool too, lots you can do with that.


Beware spoilers! They're everywhere. 👀

Hope you like the show. Things do ramp up over the episodes and seasons, and you do have quite a bit to catch up on. I watched the first 5 seasons two summers ago after reading all the books, so it's definitely possible to binge and catch up.


I hope you don't get to attached to good old Ned.


Thanks. Guess I'll see it coming.


I'm so sorry kingscheme couldn't keep his stupid mouth shut.


No problem, someone had told me that they kill off main characters just for fun, so no one is safe.


You really shouldn't be visiting any boards until you catch up to season 7.

That other poster purposely spoiled things for you just to troll for example.


grhqofb5 is far braver than I. If i'm even an hour late on a Game of Thrones episode, I won't even get on the internet, let alone a GoT forum. I made that a rule after I had a major character death spoiled for me a few years ago. I was furious.


I know what you mean, I hate being spoiled too. I love watching older films as well so I also don't believe in spoiling older films because not everyone is born having seen every film in history. Not many people realize that unfortunately.


Exactly! I've seen that before too. People are like "well hey, the movie came out 50 years ago, everybody's seen it now." And I'm like, "well, I wasn't born yet 50 years ago, and I didn't have a theater in the womb to play it for me, so I didn't see it yet".


I also get frustrated when people say that! X movie has been around X number of years, so it's ok to spoil. Really? I have a feeling people who say this don't really watch that many older films, because if they did, they would know that there are a plethora of films they have yet to see. Sigh.

I also get into themed type of films or actor type of films so there was a time just recently where I marathoned a bunch of Clint Eastwood or William Holden films. And I wouldn't have enjoyed many of them if someone decided to spoil every ending to every film of theirs.

Sometimes you're in a board of an actor you just discovered and on some random thread, a poster will just spoil the ending of a tv show the actor was in. That happened to me on IMDB and it was so infuriating because I wanted to watch that show and purposely avoided that board.


The thing with me is, I'd forget half the show, but a spoiler would be seared in my mind forever.

While I do get on the Internet, I try to avoid the board until I see the new episode. I don't know how many times I've gone to click on the GoT link in Trending out of reflex, and then I remember "Oh, yes, the new episode is out!"

And thank The Gods that the GoT FB page doesn't post spoilers right away, like that goof up TWD did with a major character death.


There's a special place in Hell reserved just for people like Kingscheme.


No, I love trolls. Pretty well accomplished quasi troll myself. Drove the nerds crazy on the Washington redskins message board in the off topic star wars thread. Told them Han really wasn't dead because luke survived an equally long fall after being injured. Then said that a leaked script for Episode 8 had Chewy donating a kidney to Han to keep him alive. Also pretended that I didn't know the difference between stars wars and Mork and Mindy for about a month.


Season 1 is pretty epic on its own. It is my favorite still and has tremendous rewatchability. You learn something new every time you watch it.


Good... Going to watch 2 episodes tonight after work


I have started re-watching the show, and it's incredible how much more I get out the plot this time. There are some Chekov's rifles in the first few episodes that still haven't been fired!


I'll tell you what I told a friend when he started watching it. Make it to the end of the first season and I'll bet you're really hooked.


It will become the earth shattering experience you were told to expect...Patience, patience...


I was glued with the very first episode, especially with what happened to Bran. But my father hated the incest and gave up on the first episode.


Just finished episode 6. Didn't even put 2+2 together on the incest thing until I realized that the dwarf was the queen's brother and also Jamy's brother. Thought lannister was the Kings name, and Blondie was some sort of lancelot type dude that wasn't connected. Also c as nt believe the albino queen ate the horse heart. But glad that she coated her brothers head in liquid gold.


"Also c as nt believe the albino queen ate the horse heart"

There's been a fair amount of gross stuff in this series, but that was just about the grossest thing for me.


LOL, GOT has so many characters it's hard to remember names and well, characters. By season 2 though, you'll be familiar with the names of the Blond siblings including the Lancelot type dude, the King who isn't a Lannister, and the albino queen. :)


I won't spoil it by saying too much, but 2 minor characters to pay special attention to throughout the seasons:

- Lancel Lannister: he's the wimpy guy who is the king's servant in season 1 (mostly brings wine to him). The guy from the breastplate stretcher scene in episode 5.

- Grand Maester Pycelle: old Maester guy with long white beard who works for whomever is on the Iron Throne and for most of the show is a member of their Small Council.


My guess is that your father hated the incest because he was watching this with his daughter. Just throwing that out there as a possibility.


I watch GOT with my mom actually but I wasn't with him when he saw the first episode.


I can't imagine watching GoT with my parents lol. It always seems weird to me when people say they do that.


Haha, I guess I'm lucky I can watch anything with my mom.


Oh, and after episode 6, it's pretty clear that albino queen has some sort of strange connection to the dinosaur eggs. I think that she might be able to hatch one. And if she has that type of power, I don't think that Darth Drekkie is going to be able to continue having his way with her.

Plus, why is Dark Drekkie and his army so scared of the water? Sounds pretty dumb to me. I understand the sea is quite narrow, so just get some friggin canoes or banana boat and paddle your sorry asses to the other side.

Also, does anyone else realize that the map for game of thrones strangely resembles some of the maps from around 1400 A.D. when Europeans were first beginning to explore the world. They don't have Africa or North/South America on there yet. And they think Greenland is a connected land mass. Maybe Ned is really Christopher Columbus.


They are afraid of the sea because the horses can't drink the water.

The geography and people in this world are often loosely based on real history. Westeros is like a mashup of the UK, western Europe, Scandinavia. Parts of Essos resemble the Mediterranean. Sothyros could be like a mashup of Africa and the Caribbean, but it hasn't yet been featured in the show. The Starks and Lannisters were based on the Yorks and Lancasters. Most of the royalty featured in the show were based on combinations of famous/infamous kings and queens of Europe. The Wildlings north of the wall are like a mixture of Scottish and Vikings.

No one knows what is west of Westeros, but if something is there, I bet Arya will find it.


If you're interested, there are some videos (official and unofficial) you can probably find on youtube that explain the connections between the fictional world in the books and the real one, including interviews with the author. He is also a big fan of Lord of the Rings, and talks about how it influenced his own work.


Fan of the Lord of the Rings you say? Shocking... I hope that doesn't mean that Frodo is going to show up during season 2 having ______style intercourse with one of the princesses.
