MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Will Cersei forgive Tyrion now?

Will Cersei forgive Tyrion now?

So Jamie is now going to tell Cersei that it wasn't Tyrion who poisoned Jeoffrey. How do you think Cersei will react?


Tyron's crime IS being a dwarf...oh and "killing" their mother...and actually killing their father. But mostly the dwarf thing. No forgiveness from either Jaimie nor cersei.


^This. Cersei will always hate Tyrion, no matter what. No forgiveness from her. She'll just be pissed that she didn't kill Olenna in the most painful way possible.

However, I think Jaime might forgive Tyrion, eventually. He did help Tyrion escape from the dungeon.


not after he killed their dad.


I'm torn on that one, with regards to Jaime and his feelings for Tyrion. I know he said if he ever sees him again he'll tear him in half for killing Tywin...but Jaime loves Tyrion, so would he really do it? Their father was a horse's ass!


I forgot about that part... Hm. Still, I think Jaime will forgive Tyrion, especially if/when he realizes what a mad monster Cersei is.


I think he'll forgive him least I hope he does.


Book spoiler [spoiler]But will HBO Tyrion ever learn what Book Tyrion already knows -- that Jaime lied about Tysha being a prostitute? And will Book Tyrion (and potentially HBO Tyrion) ever forgive Jaime for it? I sure wouldn't.[/spoiler]


Ooh... That's a very good point. It seems like the show kinda forgot about Tysha, though. In the books, Tyrion was still rather obsessed with "Wherever whores go," if I remember correctly.


Tyrion actually solved a problem for them by killing their father. Tywin knew about the incest and was going to split them up.


Yeah,but then Tyrion killed papa bear (where do whores go?)Don't remember how the show addressed the patricide element but the books as of adwd leaves little chance for any further brotherly love. Book Jaimie loved tywin and his own children...not so much so. But book Jaimie is in such a different place both physically and emotionally it becomes challenging to guess outcomes when motivation have been altered to accommodate the teleplay medium. Either way, no matter what...Tyrion WILL kill cersei...or Jaimie...


Sh!t...I guess Jamie could also kill cersei...fuching high valerian!!!


Yeah, there isn't really that much point in comparing books and show by now, but it's still fun to speculate.

I'm actually thinking Jaime will be the one to kill Cersei, but if could be Tyrion instead.


Hell no she isn't going to forgive him. She'll make up some reason and still believe he was involved with Lady Olenna's scheme.


I agree that Cersei will not forgive him. In fact, she'll still say either he was still involved or Lady Olenna was just saying that she killed Joffrey as she died.

I do think this is big for him forgiving Tyrion and all leading to him realizing Cersei is twisted and evil.


Cersei either won't believe it, or she'll believe that Olenna was part of Tyrion's conspiracy to kill her horrible son. I think Olenna's parting shot wasn't enough to make Jamie forgive Tyrion, not after Tyrion killed his own father, but it will drive a wedge between him and Cersei. When Cersei refused to believe an inconvenient truth, he's going to realize how crazy, paranoid, power-mad, and deliberately evil she's become.

I don't think that Jamie can forgive Tyrion or join his side, but he might come to realize that Cersei is no more fit to rule than Aerys Targaryan was.


Cersei hated her little brother long before she figured Tyrion poisoned Joffrey, and that won't change. Tyrion was the imp that killed her mother, from her perspective, even though Tyrion had no say in the matter at all.


I believe if he had to choose, Jaime would kill cersei before he killed tyrion. If he had to choose


She will probably still blame him for Myrcella as he was the one to send her there. He also was working with the Sand Snakes against Cersei.


It was always only an excuse anyway. He still killed her precious Daddy and her mother and she's persuaded he's prophesized to kill her so no she won't forgive him.

Plus she's now a mustache twirling villain so forgiving him would mean she still had layers and a tiny sliver of humanity and that's just not how they write characters anymore.


I doubt it. She already hated tyrion before Joffrey's death, so she will continue hating him after finding out he didn't do it.
