"Tommen booted Jamie out of the kingsguard last season, during the Sparrow mishegas."
I'd completely forgotten that. That's what I get for not reviewing the series this year, as is my usual custom whenever a new season is about to come out.
I wonder if it means anything though. At the time of Tywin's death, Jaime was still a member of the Kingsguard, so Cersei would likely have inherited Casterly Rock. Would she be stripped of that because of Jaime no longer being in the Kingsguard? It seems like that would have been mentioned, and would have been the source of some discord between them. Tywin would probably have insisted on it, but he's too dead to argue, so there's nobody with the authority to tell Cersei to give it to Jaime other than Jaime himself. If Jaime hasn't explicitly claimed and demanded Casterly Rock, Cersei is likely the current holder of its lands and titles, ruling it through some castellan she appointed there. Even if Jaime does claim it, I can't see her giving it to him without a fight, and an inter-Lannister civil war is the last thing they need right now.
As for Gendry, I can't see him taking up the lordship of Storm's End even if it was offered to him. He seems to have a disdain for the nobility and its power games. Besides, I don't think there's anyone in a position to offer it to him who knows of his existence. Cersei might know of him, but I doubt she would trust him. However if he was interested, he could certainly try to put forth a claim, and would likely have support in the Stormlands, if he could argue convincingly that he's Robert's son. But I doubt he's interested.
I wonder what Littlefinger is going to do. He now has great power at his disposal, but doesn't seem to have decided on a course of action. He's approached Jon Snow, but been rebuffed with extreme prejudice, despite Snow's self-acknowledged need for allies. After his cold reception in the North, I wonder if he'll go south and join with Cersei against Daenerys, only to betray Cersei and make a grab for power himself.