MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle charac...

Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character are you?

The Shredder - The Shredder
Master Splinter - Master Putin
Leonardo - TSP
Rafael - Doodle
Donatello - Cheruth
Michelangelo - Jfitz

I forget the rest.

Please discuss.


Dang I'd watch that show in a heartbeat. The 1st episode where the Lady Turtles turn on their master and beat the sheet out of him would be phenomenal.

I always wanted to be that Asian pizza delivery kid. I would just backflip cartwheel spinning ninja kick my way all over town.

But I'm more a cross between Casey Jones on his lazy days, and Druggie Danny on his more coherent days.


tysonTheUndefeated - The Rat King

Please discuss.


YES!! Controlling the seedy underground with my arms of filthy furrball anklebiters.

Its almost too perfect.
