MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > So I just got back from the wedding

So I just got back from the wedding

It sucked and her ex boyfriend was there so it was extremely awkward because the guy was a giant *beep*

My girlfriend is now at her parents enjoying a nice 3 day weekend, while I go back to work tomorrow to keep paying all the bills and everything for this weekend.

By the way didn't even get a chance to meet the bride or groom during the wedding.

Regardless I am ordering pizza and wings, drinking a 6 pack and watching football so at least I get a few hours to enjoy the weekend. To the person that responded I have to go or she would *beep* someone else or that I would not get sex. Go *beep* yourself, this has been my 10th wedding of the year, I am done.

This post is a follow up to

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!


No casualties? Lame.


Hey what now. I wasn't trying to be rude when I made the comment about sex and even said you shouldn't be obligated to pay and then told you to refuse.

Do you know what I like about you? Fúck all.



Haha I danced and did the whole *beep* jolly wedding date plus one thing. It still does not stop it from sucking.

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!



You had my back I was not upset with you. I made it through all is good in the world.

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!


Nothing a six pack and some wings can't fix.

Do you know what I like about you? Fúck all.


I genuinely hope she's having sex with someone less whiny right now, tbh.

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


Sorry I become a dick when I don't get to eat. Maybe she is *beep* someone else right now but I have a belly full of pizza so I'm sorry you had to experience such hardships.

Regardless I hope you lose your job tomorrow.

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!


How old is your gf? How long have you been together?

ps I read the original thread and agreed with those who said you should go.


29, 3 years and I went to the wedding and made sure she had a great time.

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!


You said 2 years in your last post.

No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey.


Hmmm. Well, I'm gonna break away from the rest of the females and say she owes you one.

Hope your team did better than ours btw. f^cking Chargers.


Not sure why you're posting on here about this, but here are my two cents.

It's as if you let her dictate what you're going to do, and instead of discussing it with her like an adult, you're asking strangers on a forum what you should do. IMO, I think you already know, you just want validation and people to agree with you. We can't though, because we don't know all the details. I will say though, just from what you have said, that it appears like you're doing all the heavy lifting in the relationship - although I'm SURE there are two sides to this story. So, it comes down to ONE question that only YOU can answer. Is she worth it? If so, buck up and resign yourself to more of the same, but be happy knowing she's worth it.

In closing, I will tell you something someone said once. "No matter how gorgeous and wonderful she appears, somewhere, some guy is tired of her sh!t".

Not sure if it's applicable to your situation, but it came to mind. :)

I do not have Attention Deficit Disor... Ooooh! Look at the Bunny!

