So I just got back from the wedding
It sucked and her ex boyfriend was there so it was extremely awkward because the guy was a giant *beep*
My girlfriend is now at her parents enjoying a nice 3 day weekend, while I go back to work tomorrow to keep paying all the bills and everything for this weekend.
By the way didn't even get a chance to meet the bride or groom during the wedding.
Regardless I am ordering pizza and wings, drinking a 6 pack and watching football so at least I get a few hours to enjoy the weekend. To the person that responded I have to go or she would *beep* someone else or that I would not get sex. Go *beep* yourself, this has been my 10th wedding of the year, I am done.
This post is a follow up to
Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!