MovieChat Forums > Good Dick (2008) Discussion > I liked this and I've been noticing a tr...

I liked this and I've been noticing a trend

Forget Hollywood romantic comedies, they're all fake and out of touch with reality. But I have noticed a trend with indy films like 500 Days of Summer and Good Dick, and it seems like the overriding theme now is boy immediately falls in love with difficult girl, she rejects him and he becomes miserable and lonely, and totally confused.

The irony is, I've noticed this trend in the real world for about the last 8 years or so. I have an equal number of male and female friends from NY and LA, probably more female friends. Virtually all of my male friends have broken hearts and are constantly chasing after girls who reject them, or they have no one at all in their life, and none of my female friends have this problem and all are either in a relationship, juggling two or more guys (who they are generally pushing away) or have no interest in men, choosing either other girls or (happily) no one at all.

Has anyone else noticed this phenomena?


I haven't noticed this phenomena, but then I live in a small Northeastern city where most people are married by the time they're 25.

I do believe that men are becoming less masculine in general which may be why women could be (getting away with) treating them in the way you describe.

While I also like this film, I do feel there was an unsettling lack of explanation as to why the lovelorn video clerk was SO persistent in pursuing the damaged customer. That, was a bit odd.


Well, on the surface he needed a place to sleep, but beyond that the scene where Charles durning told them to find love at all costs pretty much described his beliefs. You could see him smile when the old man told him to do what he was already doing. Also, the girl was hot, so why not. But now that I think about it, it does fit into my theory of guys being so lonely and desperate, you see, there is now a need to go after anyone, even damaged people, because any girl is so hard to get close to.



If you are female, I can understand your view, but if you're male, have you never gone after a girl with all your heart with no hesitation, in fact, with a little desperation?


Hmmmm, yeah. I need to watch it again I suppose. I still think he needed to be more desperate (in the film) to warrant his sudden unrelenting pursuit.

I should watch it again...


it's the soy! It's turning our males into femboys.

stop eating soy! Oh the humanity!!!!!111


As far as romantic comedies go I notice little difference overall in hollywood and indie. This movie was the same, you know they're going to get together going in to it. It follows the very same basic formula. Guy likes girl, girl doesn't like guy(but she really does), lots of awkward/heartfelt moments, bonding, climactic scene where it seems as if all is lost, heartwarming scene where they reunite. Check, check, check, check.

I haven't really noticed a trend, but I think it's probably just because people only want to date people they consider adequate for them. The unfortunate dilemna is that someone you consider appropriate for you might find you unworthy, which is usually the case when someone is chasing after girls and constantly rejected. There are girls out there that would like them and would love to have a relationship with them, but they don't find them worthy. Relationships are a huge investment and everyone wants to make sure they get someone as good as they can possibly get. I've had girls that liked me but I didn't like them because I didn't think they were worthy of me and I've liked girls that didn't think i was worthy of them. Eventually you find someone you think is good enough for you and they happen to feel the same way about you and then you're set, or you settle or someone settles for you. And an interesting tidbit that I saw on some news show yesterday, according to statistics, men are actually growing happier as a whole and women are growing sadder.


You've just described my life exactly. Me being the cold-hearted man hating woman who has multiple men in love with her, but doesnt care until they leave after getting fed up with me. I have no idea why it has become this way. Didnt know there were so many others experiencing this.
