MovieChat Forums > Good Dick (2008) Discussion > Dont Trust the Hate. This movie is great...

Dont Trust the Hate. This movie is great.

This little gem of a movie is set in the real world. It's all around us and we dont see it or we choose not too. People have been abused, abused themselves, or generally have it rough in life.

This is a story about these people and how hope is still out there for them. And how love can grow in the darkest of cracks.


Orphan, Nice remarks.

There seems to be a message in this film that leads us to recognize that underneath the personality is a Real Somebody, and that real somebody is what counts. It is that Real Somebody who can surmount the personality which suffers from everything that contributed to it before that Real Somebody started to be in a position to do something about it. Love is the turn-key that reaches through and quickens that Real Somebody. Then that Real Somebody can go to work. You clean yourself up (take a shower), start to take responsibility for your self (get a job and your own place), throw overboard all the entrapments that your personality has relied on due to fear, laziness etc. (tells the old man to stuff it) and you start the walk (yeah, she gave up the car too).

(PRN) –


because its a rubbish ,they wanted to make an EU style artistic movie... iam sure some idiot will be out there and say oh so lovely and artistic... so i will be happy to see more retard that love this movie and waste their time on it too.

and yes this can be story of some people, the way the religious movies are good for someone this can be story of some retard too. As you see still majority believing in different gods and *beep* anyway . so enjoy and watch the retard movie of your retard life .


OKay, I've seen many "artistic" international films - and many indie films trying to capture that style, but I don't get that vibe from this film. And since I can't understand the rest of your unfounded rant about this "retard movie" I'll ignore the rest...

I agree that Good Dick had a realistic plot. The characters were weird, funny, flawed and did things I hated, but somehow they had redeeming qualities. Sometimes they did things I didn't understand, but that just proved the lack of a cookie-cutter story. This beats 99% of the traditional "romantic comedies" that play in thousands of national theaters.

You can't solve all your problems by shooting someone or setting a stranger on fire.


Yup, good flick.

^ Nice, insightful review here, actually.


I agree. Well put. I enjoyed this movie. I was dying to know what the issue was. She acted it so well and it looks like she wrote it also. The end was more realistic than most. Overall a good honest real-life movie.


"This little gem of a movie is set in the real world. It's all around us and we dont see it or we choose not too. People have been abused, abused themselves, or generally have it rough in life."

I agree. I was married to a woman who was raped when she was 15 (and kept her child) and I can tell you for certain, damage such as that depicted in this film IS a reality. I lived with it.


Mongo is correct...I too was involved with a woman who had been raped as a child and lots of what this movie shows is reality. The truth it shows seems to be what upsets people the most. Jason Ritter's part wasn't a stalker, but in a good way was wanting to help, though his approach was odd at best. The very worst part of a story such as this is the rapist doesn't just take sex from someone by force or by using their trust, but shatters their soul in a way not easily repaired. Trust is built differently with a person who has reason not to trust anyone, and each romantic relationship brings back memories that cause more turmoil than most of us ever experience in life. I can see by the message board for this film that opinions will be extreme in some cases. There are those who don't want their secret out there for all to see and those who just don't have a clue what type of pain and anguish some other people live through every single day. While not exactly my experience with a woman who had been abused it did ring true and while painful to watch in some parts I hope it helped some people to keep working towards healing the scars.


I had no problem with the subject matter, I just thought it was poorly written/executed. I also have to say that jason ritter's character might have evolved into someone that just wanted to help, but he very much was just a crazy stalker initially.


"Crazy stalker?"

I felt he was just desperate more than crazy but yeah, I thought he could have used a little more impetus to be so insistent.



mlmerit... Thank you. You get it. This movie made me cry; in fact I tear up just thinking about it.


I agree with you.

Throughout this whole movie I was made very uncomfortable and felt odd inside. I was confused, frustrated, and borderline wanting to turn the movie off.
Instead I watched the whole thing, and then end is what really makes the movie.
I am appalled at all the crazy hating of this movie.
It is different because it has a different message that isn't often approached in movies the way it is in this one.
This movie is actually quite good.



I liked this movie a lot. It's funny... I didn't realize until the end credits that the leading characters didn't have names.


I agree...little choppy but not bad at all. I think the title drew in the wrong crowd for this type of movie.
